Chapter 2

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Hi, whatsupp? I uploaded a bit soon because i love you.


"Y/N? you are having an empty seat beside yourself. Let Yoongi sit there"



I frowned at her words. I didn't want to seat beside him. I was happy siting alone.

"Any problem?", Mrs. Chung asked. I shook my head.

"Go sweet-heart.", she said to Yoongi. He looked at her as if she had spoken a censored word.

Yoongi approached his seat. We had an eye contact for some seconds before he sat, tearing away his eyes.

"Hi, I am Y/N. Nice to meet you.", I gave him my most charming smile. And for your information, 'Charm' is my speciality. No one can resist it.😉

"I already know your name." he simply stated without an emotion.

"You're rude, you know? You could have given me a smile." He completely ignored my words and payed attention to the teacher.

I don't like this boy. He is so cold. God save me from this hell! Why can't I just sit beside Jungkook? Jin would also do well. At least he is not as cold as Yoongi.

The first period was history. It was so boring. I didn't realize that I was dozing off. I might have fallen on Yoongi's shoulder. Suddenly the soft support below my head was removed and I almost fell off.

"Sit straight! And keep your distance from me." Yoongi shrugged me off like an insect. Ugh! I can't sit beside him for the rest of the session!!

I made a poker face and looked at the other side. I saw Jin staring at me. It seemed so heavenly at that moment. [note my sarcasm]. I waved at him. He mouthed a kiss and waved back at me. I showed him a throwing up gesture.

Finally, the class ended. I jumped out of my seat and stretched my body.

"Were you born on ice? Why are you so cold?", I asked him. Yoongi just chuckled before getting up from his seat and left the classroom.

"Yah! Did you just ignore me?!!", I shouted and followed him out.

I went on saying rubbish behind him on the corridor. Other students were looking at my weirdness but I didn't care. They should know how I am by now. I followed him until he stopped and turned back to face me. I almost collided with his chest but stopped myself at the last moment.

"What is your problem?", he scoffed. "Are you going to follow me in there?", he pointed at the door behind him.

I looked around myself and found that I was standing in front of the gent's toilet. I stopped myself, cheeks turning into a tomato. Stupid me! I made myself a fool infront of this boy! "Ahem! Ahem! Okay, then I'll wait. We will have a talk when you come out."

He was trying his best to control his laughter. I could see his lips twitch at its corner. He quickly went inside to escape the situation.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. It was Namjoon and his girlfriend, Jessi. Both are my good friends.

"Hey, what's on?", I beamed.

Namjoon smiled back. "We are good. You?"

"Best as usual.", I winked.

"What are you doing here?", Jessi asked.

"Umm..., I have some important business.", I tried to sound casual.

Why So Serious?✅   Yoongi X Reader (Feat. Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now