Fun Facts

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Here are some fun facts behind this book.

1. I gave the name 'Why so serious' because of Yoongi's character here but latter found that AgustD has a song named 'why so serious'. lol.😂

2. The place where Yoongi and y/n played with rabbit is same as my school. Instead there are ducks in place of rabbits. 🐥🐥

3. I lowkey gave Jimin's character as an ideal big brother I wish for. Initially i thought to make it Taehyung. 🙃

4. The name Kasumi has Japanese origin. I remembered it from Pokemon (misty).

5. If you have watched "Agame ka kill" then Jill's character is similar to Mine.

 If you have watched "Agame ka kill" then Jill's character is similar to Mine

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6. My lil sister fell in love with Yoongi after she read my book. 😂

Why So Serious?✅   Yoongi X Reader (Feat. Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now