A Business Broker pt1

Start from the beginning

Qing: I had the sense to talk to the tourist guide who also happened to be our translator. Why you insist on trying to speak Italian without a translator...I have never understood.

Me: It's called courtesy. At least you try communicating with the locals using their own language.

Qing: Yeah...telling the man he has a snout really is courteous.

Me: His nose is big.

Qing: (laughing) That's why his wife and daughter laughed at what you said. (To Zhu gege and Pau) The man really has a humongous nose. And Dayu called him for having it.

Me: I didn't mean to say he has a snout!

Pau: (sounding envious) You guys have the coolest adventure. I want to try a European tour too. This time, without business involved.

Wang Zhu: (gazing fondly at Pau) We will go once everything is cleared and you finished your first year at getting your Master's degree. (To me) And don't worry. These foreigners speak English. How is your English?

Qing: To die for. As in your head will bleed until you die from understanding his English.

Me: (smacking him again) Decent. My English is decent.

Wang Zhu: Great. Then you will be fine.

I was not fine. The foreign business associates of Baba and Uncle were more competitive at golf than the Wangs. And that says a lot because the Wangs are hellishly competitive.

The three business associates of Baba and Uncle joined us. They are brother and sister as well as the sister's husband. Their ages range from late forties to early fifties. The lady is the youngest on that bunch. We trodded on the greens and played golf.

Or they played competitive golf. I just wing it. Pau and Qing were both having a great playing day. Every swing they made is a "great shot". We have to clap everytime someone made a great shot that I think my hands are getting numb.

Along the way, they talked business. I have no idea what kind of deal they are brokering but I think the business has something to do with computer parts.

I love playing computer games and writing my journal on my laptop but I know squat about the internal parts of a computer. I'm not smart enough to know and I am not interested enough to learn.

So I just walked behind them and just swing my golf stick...

Qing: Club. It's called a golf club.

Me: Whatever.

I swung my golf club while praying to the heavens that I won't be frustrated enough at golf that I will start swinging it towards them to hack their heads off. That will be a gruesome scene, all of them without their heads.

(You are bloodthirsty when angry...)

Yes, yes I am. And also, I hate golf.

Mrs.Robinson, the only lady in our group, noticed that I am not competitive at this sport. She struck a conversation with me as we trudged along at the back of the group.

Me: I am more into basketball and badminton than golf.

Mrs.Robinson: I see. And what is your relations to the Wangs?

Me: (automatic answer) I was Wang Qing's schoolmate before and we are good friends now.

Mrs.Robinson: Hmm, Wang Qing is the son of Chairman Wang, am I right?

Me: Yes. That's the one.

Mrs.Robinson: He and his cousin are both good looking men with good heads in business. I wonder if I could persuade them to meet my daughter. But she only turned nineteen, so I think they're would be a generation gap there.

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