Ch. 31: Please Kiss Me

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{Ross' POV~}

I sighed in relief when Laura pulled up in my car. Though my whole body was feeling excruciating pain, she kept my heart going and blood pumping through my veins.

"We need to get you to the hospital." Laura says, kneeling down next to me.

My breath shakes and I nod slowly. Feeling too weak to reply with words.

"Ross, do you think you can walk? At least to get in the car?" She looks at me worriedly, I'm gonna have to get up. There's no way she can lift me.

I look at her un sure. Handcuffed and in pain, I'm not sure if I have the strength to even try.

"Baby, you have to try okay. For me...please." She tries incouraging me and I feel her lips softly kiss my cheek.

Nodding, I try to get back up on my feet. I would have made it if I wouldn't have felt I was being pushed back down by a sword going through my stomach.

Laura looks at me even more worried. A tear rolls down her face and I close my eyes, beginning to feel light headed.


{Laura's POV~}

Ross just passed out. I need to get him to a hospital, right now! But how am I going to get him in the car! He weighs at least 50 pounds more than me.

"Oh Ross." I cry, wiping a few tears from my eyes.

Looking behind me I notice the sun was beginning to rise. At least now we'll be able to see.

Slipping my hand in my pocket I pull out my cell phone. I have one bar! Quickly I dialed 911.

"911. What's your emergency?" A calm woman's voice came through.

"I need help! My boyfriend has been beaten and passed out!" I shout, I'm so relieved right now.

After I tell her the address, I have to wait at least a half hour for the ambulance to get out here.

Sitting back down in the dirt I run my hand through Ross' hair, "The ambulance is coming soon. Everything's okay now."


Currently I'm in the waiting room. We got to the hospital about an hour ago. Ross woke back up in the ambulance but the paramedics said it would be best if they put him into an induced coma.

"Miss Marano?" I look up hearing my name.

The doctor comes over to me, "We have the police here to ask you a few questions if that's okay."

I nod, "It's fine." I need something to do anyway.

He then led me to a room. An officer sat behind a desk and I sat down in the chair in front.

"Hello Miss Marano. I'm deputy Glenn." He offers me a handshake but I didn't respond fast enough as I was just worried about Ross.

"So what I've heard is you've encountered two criminals?" He asks and I nod.

"Would you be able to provide a description?"

"They were both really big. The one at least 6'5". I couldn't see much since it was dark. I think they both had dark hair. Oh and the taller guy had a beard." I described them the best I could.

"Actually I think I know exactly who your talking about. We've been after these guys ever since they escaped jail over a month ago."

My eyes start to water, "I'm sorry." I apologize and wipe my eyes.

"It's you think you could tell me what happened at the scene?"

Taking a deep breath I begin talking, "Ross and I were walking along the road and then we saw car lights. When the car got closer it swerved to the side attempting to hit us. We both jumped out of the way and the car just kept driving. Ross was mad and chased after them. Then they took him and hurt him." My voice was starting to crack and my eyes teared up, "Ross probably knows more but after 20 minutes or so they came back and tried to take me. But then they just decided to leave."

The deputy was writing down things on his notepad.

"Thank you Miss Marano, that'll be all for today."

I left the room and went back to the waiting room. Ross' family was there and I sat down beside Stormie. She looked really upset.

"Laura?" I looked over and Riker was sitting next to me.

I gave him a sad look and he hugged me. I hug back, gosh I've been aching for a hug for so long.

Before I know it I'm crying on his shoulder and then my eyes close falling into a deep sleep.


I wake up confused and not knowing where I am. I see Stormie talking with the doctor and no one else is here anymore. Except Riker which I fell asleep on.

"Riker how long have I been asleep? How's Ross?"

"About 4 hours and Ross is okay. He's awake now." He replies and I smile slightly.

"I wanna see him."

He nods and walks with me into the room. To me Ross didn't look fine at all. He had a patch over his left eye, a sling around his right arm, his stomach was wrapped, and he had cuts and bruises everywhere.

"Laur, come lay with me baby." He said weakly and I teared up again.

"I'll give you two some privacy." Riker says and leaves the room.

Ross pats his lap wanting me to lay with him but I shake my head, "I can't lay with you right now Ross." I tell him, pulling up a chair to sit by his bed.

"You feeling okay?" He asks me and I nod. His hand finds mine and he tangles our fingers together.

"Ross I want you to rest and feel better okay." I say and kiss his forehead gently. It's painful seeing him like this.

He smiles weakly, "I love you so much. I just want to go home and be with you. That's the only way I'm going to get better."

"Stop being so fucking sweet." I say trying to stay focused and not start some kind of make out session.

"Laura.. please kiss me. I'd love that." He says closing his eyes. Leaning in slowly I bring our lips together for a short but sweet, perfect kiss.


A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner. I got busy.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Something big is coming!

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