Ch. 21: Angry Love

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{Laura's POV~}

Currently, I am at the mall. I have no idea why I decided to come. I was just curious who wanted to meet me here. They claim to be my best friend. It's more than likely Ashley or Rosie.

I had came early to get a little shopping done and it is now 7:20. Ten minutes until the mystery person is supposed to meet me here. I really hope it's my girls just wanting to get a smoothie or something.

The funny thing is, that note never said where I'm supposed to meet the mystery person. It just said at the mall.

My phone vibrates. It was a text, from an unknown number.

Meet me at the entrance of Forver21.

Huh that's ironic. At least I know now that it's one of my girlfriends, they know I love Forever21!

I can see Forever21, but I don't see anyone waiting by the doors. Then again I am a few minutes early.


{Ross' POV~}

I just got a text that I was supposed to meet my mystery date at Forever21. That's Laura's favorite store...but Amber shops there too.

Making my way to Forever21, all I could do was think. It wasn't until I heard my name that I snapped out of it.


My eyes directed themselves to the all too familiar voice.

"Laura?" I gasped in joy. Was it really her that gave me that note! "So you were you the one who gave me that note?"

Laura looks at me puzzled, "What? You were the one that put a note in my locker!"

Well at least she's talking to me...

"I never put a note in your locker...? Wasn't it you that threw a note at my head?" Damn, I'm confused.

Laura shakes her head, "Okay either your lying, or someone set us up..."

"Um looks like someone set us up." I say, running a hand through my hair, "Although you are my favorite ex."

Laura looks at me weird, "What?"

"Oh, um that's what the note is signed as..." I trailed off. I reach down into my pocket pulling out the note which was signed 'Your favorite ex'.

Laura blushes a little.

"Am I your favorite ex?" I blurt out. Realizing what I said, I really wish I could take it back.

Laura looks off to the side, "Um well, I guess."

I smile at her.

"But! I've only had two boyfriends before and my first one was...well nevermind." She seems really nervous.

Sighing again I finally ask her the question I've been dying to ask her for awhile now, "Laura, why are you afraid of me?"

"Afraid of you? Why would I ever be afraid of you? Trust me, I'm not afraid of you." She denied. However I can see right through her. She never used to be like this around me.

"You and I both know that's not true. I know you better than that." I replied, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

Laura looks down at her feet, "I'm not afraid of you Ross...I'm afraid of everything else."


"I'm afraid of getting hurt, of making decisions, I'm afraid of falling in love with you again." She said all in one breath, "But I think that's already to late..."

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