Ch. 15: There She Is

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{Laura's POV~}

My lips made a popping noise as I rubbed them together to get my lip stick spread around. Jackson was going to be here any minute. At the moment I am in no mood for a date. Except I promised and well a promise is a promise. Although Jackson shouldn't expect another one.

The doorbell chimes and I hurry downstairs to answer. On the way I passed my dad starring at a picture of mom.

"Why are you starring at that picture?" I asked him.

Dad sighs, "I miss much."

Rolling my eyes I opened the door to reveal Jackson. He had a flower bouquet in his hands.

"For you." He says handing me the bouquet.

I hesitantly accepted them. I hate flowers. Maybe like four days ago, they would have been beautiful to me. Not anymore...

"Um thanks." I thanked him sarcastically before throwing the flowers on the floor in the house. "Alright lets go." I told him, grabbing his hand and dragging him off to his car.

Jackson gets in the drivers seat and I sit up front next to him.

"Laura don't forget your seatbelt." He points out.

I shake my head at him, "I'm not wearing a seat belt. They are useless!" I snapped.

"Laura, seatbelts save lives." He says gently.

Tears are already in my eyes, "They didn't save my mother!" I cried, bursting into tears.

"What? Laura please don't cry." Jackson tried to comfort me. I felt his hand rubbing my back but I pushed it off.

"I'm sorry." I breathed out, "Lets just go..."

He watches me for a second, like he was asking if I was sure.

"I said drive!" I shouted at him and finally I felt the car moving.

I guess you could say I've changed... a lot.


Jackson and I went to dinner and now he was taking me out for ice cream.

"What flavor do you want babe?" He asks me.

I thought for a moment, "I'll have chocolate." I sigh. I'm still a little upset. I don't know what I'm upset about. I'm just always feeling down.

Jackson smiles at me, "Can I get one chocolate and one strawberry please." He ordered.

"I'll just go find us a place to sit." I say, walking away and taking a seat at an open table by the window.

All around me there are happy people. Couples are laughing with each other as they share the same ice cream cone. A group of girls are sitting at one booth gossiping and laughing together. A family watches as their little kids enjoy eating their ice cream while getting it all over their face. Why does everyone else seem so happy.

Jackson sits down handing me my ice cream, "You okay?" He asks.

Of course I'm not okay. I was so not ready to go on a date. I haven't been on a date with anyone other than Ross for years. I try not to act like it, but I miss my mom like hell. I've been trying to just forget about her and become independent. But it's too hard. It's hard to watch everyone else be so happy.

"I'm fine." I answer him.

"Okay, but please if your ever can tell me anything. I'll be there for you." He tells me.

When Love Bites: A Raura StoryWhere stories live. Discover now