Ch. 37: Last Second

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{Laura's POV~}

Ross was in a car accident. How come every time I'm finally happy, something goes wrong?

"I need to see him, where is he! Bring me there now!" I scream, panicking yet again.

"Laura they won't let anyone see them.." Rocky replies looking down.


"It wasn't just Ross in the crash. My mom, Rydel, and Ellington were in the car." I could tell Rocky was so close to crying.

This is absolutely terrible. Kill me right now please. Let them be okay.

At this point my face was soaked with tears, "How are they? Do you know?" I ask quietly.

Rocky takes a seat in a chair against the wall, "My mom and Ellington are conscious but with several injuries. Rydel and Ross are in very critical condition. That's all the doctors told me."

Instantly I'm balling. Hard. These are the people who mean more than anything to me. They're supposed to be having the time of their life on tour. Making music like they love. It has to be my fault, maybe if I would have killed myself a long time ago when my mother died it would have never happened.

"Please someone put me in my wheelchair I want to see them!" I screamed again.

Riker finally gives in and helps me into my wheel chair. He wheels me down the hallway.

"Who do you want to see?" He asks, there was no personality in his voice at all. It was just dry words.

Right now, I couldn't bare to see Ross or Rydel. I don't want to see them in critical condition in a coma.

"Your mom." I finally answer.

We get to Stormie's room and she's laying down, I could tell all she cared about right now was her kids.

"Hey mom." Riker starts the conversation. Stormie's eyes begin to water and she gestures for a hug from her son. Riker leans down giving his mom a hug. Something I wish I could do too.

"Where is everyone else are they okay?" Stormie asks worriedly, her eyes filled with hope.

Riker simply shakes his head.

I could see now that Stormie was in more pain than she was already with her injuries.

"Laura you should go see Ross." She tells me out of no where.

"I'm going to see everyone." I reply quietly.

"No go see Ross, he was just so excited to see you. He needs you more than I do."

I nod and Riker takes me out of the room.

"I'm scared Riker. I don't want to see him hurt." I whimper and sniffle.

"I know." He says and steers me to Ross' room.

His face is swollen, it doesn't look the same as it usually does. His blonde hair had blood chunks in it. All the machines hooked up to him made me sick.

"Baby it's me..I'm here and so is everyone else. You'll be alright, you gotta be." I whisper, a lot of times people in comas can still hear. I hope Ross can.

It's silent. The only sound was the steady beeping of the heart rate monitor. Which at least told me that he's alive. But barely.

"I wish it was me. You don't deserve this. It never should have happened. You have so many people that love you and need you." I sigh, the pain in my chest is killing me.

Taking his lifeless hand in mine I give it a little squeeze and place it on my stomach, "Ross your gonna be a daddy. In nine months, we'll be parents! Please wake up! I-we need you!" I couldn't hold in my emotions any longer and bursted out into tears.

Riker and the doctor were just outside the door talking. I know it's not about good news because when Riker walks back in the room he was paler than a ghost.

"W-what did he say?" I shiver and shake still sitting closely to Ross.

Riker opens his mouth to speak but stops himself.


"He said that..he said..he probably won't make it."

My heart breaks, 700 thousand times. Those words were enough to kill me. They can't possibly be true. He has to live. He's going to be okay. Right now I'm so shocked I can't even cry. I only feel angry..angry that this is really happening. That I'm probably going to loose the one who means the world to me.

"C-can I be alone?" I whisper, looking at the floor.

Riker says nothing and leaves the room. I turn my attention back to Ross, lying still on the white sheeted hospital bed.

Rubbing my hand against his on my stomach seemed to calm me down a little. I still have hope. "I love you." I whisper and lean into him giving him a gentle kiss.

Then his lips moved just slightly to say, "I love you." So quietly, I just barely heard him.

But after that split second of joy-before I could even say it back- the line went flat and loud beeps filled the room.

And that was my last second with him.


In the Spotlight:

Writingislovely: So I think you guys should check out this writer. They've written multiple amazing stories! Go go go!

Laura's New Life by XxSkylolxX: One of this writers newest stories and it's looking great! Defiantly deserves more readers! Go check it out. :)

Sweeteresting: This writer is very talented and one of my favorites! They've written so many of my favorite reads! Please go check this writer out.

A/N: Really sad chapter guys. I might have teared up a bit..and if you didn't catch it..yes Ross is gone. However this is not the end. There's still one or two chapters left. I hope you enjoy.

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