Ch. 11: Drama Queen

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Monday in school ••

{Ross' POV~}

So I have no idea where Laura is. I haven't seen her all day. I know she's not sick...she would have texted me. I guess I'll just have to text her.

Where are you baby? I miss you. <3

After waiting a couple seconds I get a text from her.

Miss you too babe. I'm on my way to school now. I got my hair done.

I typed in another message.

Okay, can't wait to see it. Love you.

I waited for Laura at her locker. I haven't seen her since Saturday so it's worth standing here doing nothing for a bit.

Soon enough Laura arrived. Her hair looked a little bit different, but not too much. It was still dark brown just no ombré highlights and a little shorter.

"I decided to make it look a little more simple. Like I used to have it." She explains.

"I love it. You are beautiful in every way no matter what to me." I told her and she blushes.

"Thanks Ross." She says.

Laura's friends come up behind her.

"Oh my! Laura what happened to your hair!" Rosie exclaims.

"I like it." Ashley said. They must have made

"Thanks guys." Laura smiles.

Rosie walks up to me, "Hey Ross maybe you should dye your hair brown. Just to see how it looks."

"No." Laura and I both say in unison. Everyone laughs.

"Yeah I'm not doing that. I like my blonde hair." I chuckled.

"Me too. It makes him adorable." Laura giggles, now I'm blushing.


It was fifth period. Half way through the day. Thank god.

"Class I'd like to introduce you to someone." Mr. Mesly announces. "We have a new student."

Another new We must have a pretty good school.

"Please welcome Amber Haven." He says and she walks in. That name is so familiar...I remember this girl. And holy crap this is a problem.

Amber Haven went to school here last year. She left in early October, no one knew where she went to. Not even her friends, except for me. I know everything about this girls life...I know that sounds creepy but it's true.

She was the girl I may have secretly dated last year. It was only for a month. I had been cheating on Laura, but she never found out. Hopefully she never does. Amber knew that I was with Laura and her at the same time. She didn't mind, she loved me no matter what. Amber was special to me. She's the girl I lost my virginity to. I was crushed when she changed schools.

Amber recognizes me and smiles. "Ross, it's so good to see you again." She greets me. She sits down in the chair next to me.

Amber had dirty blonde hair with the most beautiful blue eyes. Her body was shaped like a model. She makes it hard to not fall in love with her. By now I've moved on. I'm not going to date Amber again. Now I just need to make sure she doesn't tell Laura about last year.

"Hey Amber, glad to see you too." I smiled.

Amber smiles, showing off her dimples. God she's gorgeous, always has been.

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