Chapter 24

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So people please forgive me for taking so long to update, the last vew weeks has been absolutely crazy.


"Where is Anastasia?" I ask one of the guards when I got home. I couldn't feel her presence in the castle.
"Sir she went with Harold into town, they should have been back..." He didn't get to finish because the door burst open.
"Leo you're home!" I turn around just in time to catch her.
"Ana my beloved, I heard you went into town today." She giggles.
"Oh yes and guess what! Sir Urlo approved of us and he adopted a cute dog named Duke. Oh you should see him, he is the cutest dog!"
"He approves?" I was surprised by this. Urlo is not really one to approve of anything.
She nods very enthusiastic. She had alot of energy today.
"Let's get to dinner and you'll tell me all about your day, oky?" She kissed me cheek and hopped off me. "Oky, better get ready!" She runs upstairs and I look at Harold.
"She wasn't suppose to leave the castle grounds Harold."
He bows immediately while taking a step back.
"I am sorry my king, she was adamant about going and I felt that should I stop her she would find another way. She just had that look on her." He quivers while he says it.
I couldn't even scold him for that, because I know how she can be.
"Your reasoning was well interpreted, so I am now reinstating you as her personal guard."
His eyes grew when I said that.
"Majesty?" Harold was totally caught off guard.
"Your reasoning is the type of person that needs to be guarding someone like Anastasia. You'll also have special training now, it will start tomorrow."
"Y...yes your grace! Thank you your Majesty!" The poor man was flustered.
"You earned it Harold, now go rest, you look like you need it."

I walk up to Ana's room. "Ana?"
"Can I come in?" I ask, standing by the door.
"Sure." I see her relaxing in the bath and I sit behind her. I remember the day she asked me to bathe with her. "Want me to wash your hair?" I whisper in her ear.
I see her blush forming, "Yes please." I nipped at her ear and get her shampoo and conditioner.
In complete silence I washed her hair. "Mmm" She moans, "Does that feel good?" I ask while massaging her hair with shampoo.
"I might never wash my own hair again."
"Guess I'll have to wash your hair for you then." I nipped her ear again and she giggles.
"I love you Leo." She mumbles when I rinse her hair.
"I love you Ana."

We got dressed after her bath and we went to the dining room.
"So how did your day go today?" She ask me with her attention all on me like she would eat up everything I say.
"It was good, I managed to get everything done."
I told her about the lords disputes and she listened and asked alot of questions. All good questions.
"And tell me about your exciting day my beloved."
And her whole day got dumped on me. She talked so much and I smiled the whole time. She enjoyed the town so much and I was taken away once again by how amazing she is.
"I mean I didn't even know I was going to meet him there, but when I saw him I thought about being formal and what I did was the total opposite."
To get Sir Urlo's approval by being just her is exactly what I woudl expect from her.
"And I was so happy when he said he approved of me being with you I started to cry." She smiles and tears arw forming in her eyes.
I wipe them away.
"You are amazing Ana." She takes my hand in her soft hands.
"Maby, but only because of you."
"No, no, it's all you love." She pouts. "I know, but if it wasn't for you. You saving me, loving me, I never would've been myself."
We were lost in each others eye's. Our faces got closer and I could feel her breath grazing in my skin. Then our lips met. Her lips felt so soft against mine. She nibbles on my lower lip and I open my mouth and thrust my tongue into her mouth and she moans.

"Well this is a sight for sore eyes."
A voice says. Making Ana jump away from him.
"Yozac, welcome back." I stood up to greet him. "Thank you. Sorry to have interrupted you." I waved Ana to join my side.
"It's not a problem, I'm assuming you have documents for me?" Yozac retrieved the files and gave it to me.
"Yes, well let me be off then." Yozac turned to leave, "Sir Yozac wait!" Ana stopped Yozac. He turned around and frowned. Ana paid no mind to it as she continues with her whatever she is about to do, "Would you like to join us for dinner? I made a lovely desert, I would like some honest feedback. Leo always says it's out of this world, I need someone more direct." She smiled with excitement while I pouted. "Are you calling me a lair?" She smiled, "No just whipped." She casually says and my mouth hanged open while Yozac burst into laughter.
"Very well Miss West, can't let you get away with calling the king a liar. So let's see how whipped he is."
I just stood there in amazement as he follows her back into the dining room. It's like she's been friends with Yozac for years.
So here I am just following behind them.
I notified the staff of another member joining dinner and I took my seat at the end of the table just as the main coarse arrives.
It looks different from the usual dinner Ana usually has. Or rather, mine and Yozac's looks different.
"Oh I wanted to try something for you and I'm hoping it paid off." Ana gives a nervous smile while me and Yozac stare at the food.
"All right, let's eat."
I took a bite and the flavor exploded in my mouth.
"Miss West this is amazing! What did you do with the food, because we have been to many events and the food never tasted like this before?"
I had to agree with him there.
Ana blushed, "Well, I tweaked it a bit, I glad you like it, but I won't tell you yet. I need to test it on other kinds of food as well."
I'm sure I looked liked a child who just got told he couldn't get any candy and Ana laughed.
"Don't make that face at me Leo, I won't budge on this." She gave me that look that said she won't change her mind anytime soon.
Yozac laughed again.
"Good to know someone can say no to the King." Ana smiled at him while taking a bite of her own food.
"Well I have to, or else who will."
"Good point miss West."

We went on to enjoy a lovely dinner. Yozac and Ana enjoyed themselves, I barely got in to say anything. For once I didn't mind that, I loved seeing her talk with such enthusiasm and it looks like Yozac didn't mind it one bit.
Iy was now time for desert. "Oh let me get the desert! I need to make sure it looks perfect! Sir Yozac, please excuse me." She stood up and went to the kitchen.
"Vlad, that woman is something else. A breath of fresh air, I like her." Yozac says looking the way Ana left the room.
"I can see why you fell inlove with her." He smiled back at me.
"You mean you approve of her?" He laughed.
"Yes I approve of her as your queen." Anastasia is really amazing.
Just then Ana walks in with servers following her.
"Oh my Miss West, did you make this?" We look at the dessert in wonder.
"I sure did! I've recently discovered that I enjoy making desserts."
It really looked good amd original.
"Well let's dig in."

Another explosion in my mouth and by the looks of it, Yozac thaught the same.
Ana awaited his verdict.
"Miss Anastasia, I must say this is absolutely magnificent! I've never tasted anything like this in my life."
Ana blushed, but her smile was radiant.
"You really mean it?"
"I sure do, looks like the king isn't a lair." We laughed.
"Told you I didn't lie to you."
I smirked at her and she sticks out her tung.
"However you are very much, as Anastasia says, whipped." Yozac says with a comeback smirk of his own.
"I don't like this teaming up against me." I pout and they laugh together.

"Thank you so much for joining us once again Sir Yozac, it was absolutely delightful and we simply must do it again." Ana greets. Yozac got into his coat, "Please, Yozac is just fine and I will absolutely. I'm looking forward to taste more of those desserts." He braught her in for a hug, which kind of shocked me and for a moment her as well.
"Come around anytime Yozac. We can make Leo feel like a puffer fish." She giggled while Yozac burst into laughter once again.
I've never seen him like this. It's really strange.
"Yes, yes absolutely. Well, Anastasia, Vlad, see you soon. Get back to me on those reports."
"Sure will, bye." Ana and I stood there as we wave him goodbye.
"So it's safe to say Yozac approves of me." She turned around with excitement burning in her eyes. I pull her closer to me and kiss her head. "I think it is safe so say that since you two are already making puffer fish jokes about me." She giggles while hugging me back.
"Well at least you are my puffer fish and besides they are so cute!" I nipped her ear and she runs away. Laughter following her as I chase her around in the castle.


Anastasia's dessert

Anastasia's dessert

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