Chapter 15

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"I guess we should start explaining."

"Julianna I'm so glad you met your mate, who is he?" Fiona ask while munching on some cookies Julianna made. "His name is Eric and uhm..." Julianna was unsure to tell her friend the main trait about her mate. Fiona grabs her hands in hers. "Hey no matter what you need to tell me, you can tell. I'll never judge you or anything." Fiona tries to calm her friends racing heart. "Well, his full name is Eric Finn Aelfdene." Fiona's mouth falls open. " mean to tell me that thee prince of elves is your mate?" Shyly Julianna nods. "But, that's impossible, never was there an elf who was mated to another specie? Will their kingdom even accepted you?" Julianna's smile faded a little. "No, Eric already confirmed that. That is why we keep our relationship a secret." Fiona felt sad for her friend, finding a mate is so magical to her and now she needs to hide it. "But it's oky, as long as I can see him and accepts me, I'll be happy."

"Your mother is not just any werewolf Stacy, she has royal blood. She is the current King's sister." My mind froze when the queen said that too me. Leo seems shocked as well. "And your father..." I sucked in my breath and I held Leo's hand tight. "He is King Eric Finn of the elven kingdom." This was too much, my mother the kings sister, my father the elf king! "Ana?" I hear Leo's voice but I couldn't register to anything.


This was a huge bomb that was thrown to Ana's way. "Ana?" I place my hand on her leg to get her attention, but I could see I failed. Then she passed out. "Ana!"
"Oh my..." My mother gasp. I pick her up and take her to her room. My parents follow me.
As soon as I placed her in the bed my mother speaks. "I am so sorry my son, I didn't mean to throw all this news on her." I can see my mother feels terrible so I kiss her cheek. "Don't worry mother. Let's wait till she wakes up and tells is she is ready to hear the whole story. Are you sure she is who you say she is?" I ask, I didn't need her to keep freaking out or think her father is still alive. "Without a doubt." I take a deep breath. "Very well, let's go downstairs, she'll wake up soon." I could only hope that she will be oky with everything. Her life is drastically changing, but one thing is for sure. I'll stay by her side.


I wake up in my room and my mind runs over the the events that led me here. Me finding out who my parents are and who I really am.
I see that Leo wrote me a letter.

Come down when you are ready.xx

I fold the letter up and my mind keeps spinning. I take this chance to take a very long bath and this time I dressed in comfortable clothes. I chose a loose light blue dress and leave my hair in their wet curly state. "You can do this Anastasia!" I psych myself up and go downstairs to the room I know they will be waiting in.
They immediately stop talking when I walked in. "Oh Stacy I am so sorry I threw all that information on you. I didn't mean to I..." I stop her, "It is really all right Fiona, really." I give her a reassuring smile and it seems to have set her at ease. Leo immediately hugs me tight. "Are you alright?" He whispes in my ear and I instantly feel calm by the sound of his voice. "Yes." We sit across from his parents. "May I know more about my parents, from the start as much as possible information you know." Fiona gave a soft smile, "All right." Leo draped his arm around me and held me tight to him for support. "Your mother and I were great friends, in fact it was because of her that vampires and werewolf were able to sign a peace treaty, but that is a story for another day. Your mother met your father at the festival in our town. I was with your mother that day. She said she met him while I went to the bathroom. He ran straight into her, taking them to the ground... "

"Oh my gosh are you alright?" The most alluring voice she has ever heard asked. "Y...yeah." The man helped her up and the moment she opened her eyes they froze, whispering one word. "Mate." This shocked both of them since Julianna could clearly see he was an elf and she was clearly a werewolf. "I..." The man couldn't say anything and she took this moment to look at him. He had pale skin, but with a rosy blush if it made any sense. Hair was pure white and long, showing off his beautiful elf ears. His eyes were like orange flames. He was very well build and his tight shirt left nothing to her imagination. "I'm Julianna." She whisper, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to speak any louder. The man lifted her hand to kiss her palm and she blushed like crazy. The palm was a sensitive place to kiss, "Erick Finn." He introduced himself. That nane sounded familiar and then it clicked. "You're..." Before she could say anything he claimed her lips. "I'm madly inlove with you already, that I am."

"They kept their relationship a secret for a really long time, but their bond kept getting stronger. That was bad for them since they stayed apart for weeks at a time. They would both get so sick from the loss." Fiona says and I felt sorry for my mother and father. They were clearly in so much pain bu trying to be together. "They were together for two years when they fell pregant with you."


She was pacing back and forth, playing with the necklace that Erick gave her. It was a golden locket with flower jewels on it. She plays with it often, especially when she was nervous. She waited in their cabin, full of nerves. She felt him comming closer and she couldn't help but smile at the feeling, the feeling of her mate getting closer to her. He burst into the door and immediately gave her a deep long kiss while he held her tight. "Dear goddess I missed you soo much Jules." That was his nickname for her. "I missed you just as much Finny." Erick was not fond of nicknames, but for her he allowed it. "I hate being away from you my love." He says to her, there was tears forming in his eyes. She wiped them away. "Someday Love, we will be together all the time." Erick was working on accepting different mate bond like the one they shared, but the counsel is hard to convince. "I've got some news for you." She leads him to the couch and she hands him a box. He froze. "Jules..." His breathing is was anything but normal. Inside was a bunch of baby toys and clothes. "I'm pregant." She whisper, fiddling with her hands. She had no idea how he would react. When the information sunk in she was thrown into an embrace. "I'm going to be a dad!" He spins her around and the both burst out in laughter. He then gently places her down, kneels before her and placed his hands on her stomach. "Hey there little one, daddy is so happy and can't wait to meet you." She giggled at his actions, but it only made her love him more. "I promise to you and your mommy, that I will take you back to the palace where we can live as a happy family." He stands up and cups her face. "Before the baby is born. That is a promise."

"While your mother was pregnant Erick worked very hard to legalize cross mating between species. Julianna's locket held magic from Eric that made it impossible to smell his scent on her or even smell that she is pregnant. I caller her regularly to make sure she is fine." Fiona takes a sip of tea."Your mother started showing and she 'enrolled' in a college near us and she stayed in the cabin and I sended one of my maids to look after her. Your father visited as much as he could, but then your mother's pregancy got complicated. She couldn't get any food in her body, was very weak. So I let a doctor look at her.

Fiona was pacing outside Julianna's bedroom. After a while the doctor came out. "Well what is wrong with her doc?" The doctor looked hesitant, "Please doctor."
"Her baby is part elf part were. This causes conflict with her body. Werewolf mothers need to eat alot more than usual, where elf mothers do not eat until the baby is born, because the mother produces enough to feed on."
"So what do we do now?"
"I put her on a drip to keep nutrients inside her and to help the baby, but she needs to be kept under close observation, the baby will be here any day now. Call me if anything changes."
"Thank you Doctor."
"My pleasure your majesty."

"Naturally I had to inform your father." Fiona looks down in tears. "It was his luck that he came just in time, because soon your mother gave birth to you."


What an unexpected turn of events!

Sorry for the long wait, I had a bit of a difficult time at home and everything, but here I am!

Anyway happy new year people, I hope 2021 will be full of happiness for each and every one. Look at the sunset, smell a flower, look at the clouds and embrace the wind and cry with the rain. Admire the moon and appreciate the suns rays in the morning. Love every season for the season you love would not have been if it was not for the others. 😁😁

Thank you all for supporting me and every writer whose books you are reading.
I am glad to, just for a moment, take you to another world!


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