Chapter 9

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"Must I, uhm, wash your body as well?"

I bite my lip when he ask me that.
"Yes please." His heartbeat was just as irregular as mine right now. I needed him to do this.
He takes the sponge and gently begins with my arms, he didn't wash ruff. He was gentle, working up to my collarbone. My eyes were closed, enjoying the feeling of the soap on my skin as he washes me. I felt all tingly.
He takes a deep breaths when he washes my breast, not that it calmed my rapid heartbeat by any means. My whole body was on fire the more he touched me. He moves to my back and his breathing calmed down a little and then erratic again when he wash my legs. His clothes was soaking wet, but he was concentrating on washing me rather than himself. 'He is a great match Ci.'
She didn't need to tell me that, the fire inside me was more than enough to prove it. "There, you're clean." He says and he scoops n bucket of the water out and pour it on me and I watch the soap dun down my body. "Thank you." He takes a seat behind me where he washed me hair and I relaxed. I never had a bath like this and I was enjoying it.
After a vew minutes I was ready to climb out. "I'm done." I whisper. He gently scoops me up and helps me dry, he had to have a firm grip because I was to weak still to stand for more than a vew seconds. He was gentle yet again when drying me, but struggled because my legs buckled beneath me. So he set me down by the kitchen sink end continued to dry me. "Now you are clean and smell like cranberries." He smile and I smile back. "Do you like the smell of cranberries?" I ask him and he  smirked. "Only on you." That definitely made me blush.

The moment he set me down on the bed I was greeted by tons of pain and I screamed. The king was on full alert now. "Love what is happening?" I couldn't hear him speak great over my screaming.  It felt like someone is twisting my insides and then ripping it out.
This pain was unbearable and I couldn't focus. Sapphire also howled in pain. Someone enters the room, but I couldn't see anything. The pain clouded my senses. "This stays a secret or I will rip your head off." The king threatened someone. 'Get Leo to touch us.' Saph whined in pain. Someone toutched my stomach and my screams got louder. "L...Leo.." I hope my hand is reaching out to him because the darkness consumed me. I think I felt his warmth?

I wake up with alot of pain in my abdomen. "Oh thank Hecate you're alive!" The king was right beside me, his hand caress my cheek and I couldn't help but lean into it. "What happened?" He furrows his eyes as I scan that some kind of machine was taking my vitals and attached to a drip in my hand. "Leo?" I takes a seat next to me on the bed, stroking the hair out of my face. "You screamed in pain, I notice then that there was black and blue like bruises that covered your abdomen. I got the doctor to check you out and soon blood followed. You reached out to me and you seemed to feel better and you passed out." I was confused, why did my body react that way. Saph was still whining. "Does the doctor know why it happened?" He couldn't meet my eyes. "Leonard?"
"You lost your child from the pain." My whole world stilled. I was pregnant? Hands swept my tears away, I knew it was the king but my mind focused on my baby. I lost my baby. 'Saph what happened?'
'Kevin had sex with someone and because the bond was not yet completely broken and he mark the woman in the process, the pain hit us which resulted in our bond breaking permanently, killing our baby.  I couldn't protect our baby, I'm sorry Ci.'
'It's not your fault Saph, we couldn't have known.'
"Are you oky my beloved?" His voice breaks through my walls, his face was full of worry. "Why do you care Leonard? Why did you choose me? Why someone like me? Look at me, I am no one and broken." I didn't want to look at him. He lifts my head up so I would look into his eyes. "I care because from the moment I met you I knew you were special, I chose you because you are mine, I wanted to love you, protect you from every crying again, so far I'm not doing so well seeing as you are in tears once again." True to his words I was crying again, but these were not just sad tears. He cups my face with both his hands, his face was inches away from mine, "And why not you Anastasia. I've lived a thousand years and more. Not once did I look at a woman the way I look at you." His words held nothing but the truth. His lips kissed my tear stained eyes. "You are someone special to me Ana, you'll never be broken in my eyes." My heart was beating out of my chest. "Will you allow me to love you?" All I had to say was yes, that's all, but my mouth couldn't speak so instead I kissed him. For a moment he was taken away from my kiss but then kissed me back with so much emotion. His hands clings onto my hair and I snake my hands around his neck. The kiss was nothing like Kevin's. Leonard's kiss was pure, passionate and coated in love and affection. He gains entrance to my mouth and more fire is spreading through me. His hands lowers to my hips and I couldn't help but let a moan escape and I bring him closer to me.
We catch a breath, he was smiling. I can't remember that I saw him smiling this big. "I'll take that as a yes." I smiled back at him. "I must be crazy but yes." he kissed me again, but this was only a peck. "Then I'm glad if you are crazy."

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