Chapter 14

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She just finished her meal, enjoying her solitude. She really liked the life away from all the drama of the vampires and werewolves. She guess it's about time that she should observe how the girl is doing. So she went to her chamber she smeared the girls blood on the mirror and the site before her made her choke on pure air. "What the hell happened?" She sees the girl in the arms of the vampire king! "Just how did that girl get back into the vampire world again?" She asked for no one but herself. Tsshk! By the look the king was giving the girl she knew that the girl would eventually take the throne as queen. "Well well, you were trying to hide your baby, seems fate has other plans Julianna." The girl was already growing by the second, she needed to pay a visit. Things are going to get ruff, but she'll have to take her chance. She needs to see where this all is heading.

I paced my room up and down, I couldn't calm down even if my life depended on it. Today Leo will introduce me to his parents and I was a nervous wreck. I wore a respectful rosegold dress, I didn't need his parents to find any fault in me. My black hair was slightly curled with light make-up on.

"If you keep waking like that ther will be a hole in the ground

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"If you keep waking like that ther will be a hole in the ground." Leo leans on the door smiling at her.


She keeps pacing, playing with the ring I gave her. "I can't help it Leo! What if they don't like me?" I walk closer to her. "I mean they need to like me, I can't be with you if they don't approve. I don't want to be the reason your family gets mad at you!" She keeps on rambling but I pulled her against me and kissed her. She immediately relaxes into my arms. "You look absolutely beautiful, have I told you that?" She blushed and shakes her head. "Well you are beautiful and my parents will love you." I didn't need to let her know about my stress about a completely different reason. She was bad enough as is. "Come, everything will be all right." I lead her to the meeting room, she was still very much nervous. "Take a seat, Beloved." She was still very much nervous but kept a tight grip on my hand. "Announcing High Lord Vladimir Dracula and High Lady Fiona." High Lord and Lady is the title for the retired king and queen. Anastasia immediately stood up and stands behind me. The doors swing open and my parents walk in with their royal grace. That is until my mother spots me across the room and smiled like a crazy lady. "Leonard!" She flings herseld at me and I catch her in a hug and spin her around. "Hello Mother." She holds my face and smiles. "My how handsome you are." I roll my eyes, she does this every time she visits. My father however stands a little behind my mother, his eyes never leaves Anastasia's. "Vladius, who is this?" Only then does my mother notice her as well and she joins my father. "Mother, Father, I would like you to meet Anastasia West. She will be my queen." Ana bowed, "It is a pleasure to meet you, your highneses, Leonard talks alot about you two." She kept eye contact with them, refusing to waver. I admired that about her. My parents stood there in shock. It took a vew minutes for them to register what just happened. "Son are you serious?" My father ask, his gaze fixed on Anastasia to intimidate her, but she stood strong. "Yes father." I stand proudly next to Ana with my hand on her back to give her some reassurance. She really had nothing to be worried about, really.


Leo's father walked until he stood right in front of me and my mind was going in overdrive. I'm positive that he will snap my neck or something. And then it happened, I feel strong arms embrace me in a very tight hug. "Oh thank Hecate! I was certain my son would grow old without someone by his side. I mean who could love this grumpy old bastard! Never mind his mood swings!" He faked wiping a tear away and I stood there stunned by his reaction. I was not ready for this, not at all. "Father!" Leo yelled, clearly embarrassed by his father's words. I was ripped away from him into a smaller embrace, "Welcome to the family dear, we are so glad Leo finally found his beloved." She gives a warm smile, showing no signs that she hates me. "You don't mind that I am a werewolf?" I asked nervously. "No we don't mind at all deary, all we care about is our son being happy with whomever he chooses." She joins her arm around Vladimir's arm. "Isn't that so?" She asked her husband and he nodds as well. "I... Thank you?" I say. I was still freaked out by their reaction. I was ready to tell them how much I love their son and everything!


As expected my parents were over the moon about Ana and they talked her ears off the entire time and she soaked it all in, but clearly overwhelmed by them.
But I could see something was bothering my mother. "So tell me Stacy, where are your parents?" She hit a sore spot, but Ana just smiled. "I don't know sadly, Mrs Thea says I was dropped at the door with only my name and a necklace when I was just a baby." Something flickered in her eyes, "May I see the necklace?" She ask and Leo looks at me. "You can go get it." She walks out of the door and I look confused at my parents. "She looks so much like Julianna." Julianna? Who is that? "Yes she does, doesn't she?" I am very much confused. "Son I really like Anastasia, I can see why you love this woman. She's perfect for you."  My mother beams, completely changing the subject. "I'm glad you approve mother."
"You are just going to have to convince the counsel. I think that might be a challenge." My father says and I very well knew that. Ana enters and she gives my mother the locket.

My mother instantly burst into tears

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My mother instantly burst into tears. "Mother is everything all right?" I ask while my father is rubbing her back for comfort. Ana was freaking out as well and tears are forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry if I did anything to offend you?" She says and mt mother immediately looks up. "Oh no deary it's not that." She stands up and wrap Ana in a hug. "Son get some tea." My mother says and I get someone to bring is tea immediately.

After they calmed down my mother joined my father. "I guess we should start explaining."


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