Chapter 39

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Short smut scene ahead, nothing to bad 🤭😋


"I did not think we would spend our honeymoon making love on every surface in the house." She pouts and I laugh. "It's not my fault beloved, you initiated it. Not me." We were on our way back to the castle, two weeks off and we really did just have sex and when I mean that I mean that. I can't remember the last time we ate something proper.
When we went to make food we just ended up doing it on the counters and all, so yeah.
"It was not my fault!" She argues and it wasn't completely, she was newly turned and they do have a big libido and I newly marked so I had no resistance to her tactics what so ever. "Don't worry, we will have the rest of our lives to travel anywhere and take vacation whenever we want." She then giggles, "I wonder how everyone will react when they see that I have turned."
I purse my lips together. "You won't regret this will you?" The fear of her resenting me because I turned her still lingered in my mind.
"Stop the car Leo." She says and I pull over. The moment we stopped she was on my lap. Her hands in my cheeks. "Leonard Vladius Blackwood, I will never regter my decision because I want to be with you. Now and forever. I love you and will keep loving you more and more every day." Her eyes revealed nothing but the truth from her words. "You are going to have to remind me alot about that." She brings me in for a soft kiss and she rest her head against mine. "Guess I'll have to." Now I bring her in for a kiss that was more than innocent. And she moans and her body melts against mine. Her hands slowly begin to untie my shirt. "We... have... to... go... Ana... people... are... waiting." I try to say between kisses. But it falls on death ears. "I am not the one who started it, now am I, my King?" By now I knew I was too far gone to real myself back in. I remove her dress to reveal very sexy underwear. Fuck, she knows I can't resist it when she dress like that. She bites on my ear, "I've been naughty, what are you going to do about it my king?" She whisper in my ear. I pull her head back and she gasp while I kiss and lick her neck. She slams herself so that she is inside of me and I feel her tight walls around me and she moves up and down. I grip her hips to control her and it only makes her moan more while we attack each others lips like it was our food. "Ana." My grip on her hips gets tighter. "Leo!" And then her teeth sunk into my neck as we both get our release. I give her better access to my neck and she continues to drink. When she is done she smiles and licks the blood from her mouth very slowly. "Satisfied my love?" I hand her back her dress. "For now." She smirks and gets off my lap. "Good gosh I've created a sex demon." She slaps my shoulder, giggling in the process. "Yeah, maby, but I'm your sex demon." I love her. I kiss her knuckles, "Sleep my love." Her eyes already starting to droop. "Mmmm." She smiles and rest her head and soon she is asleep.
She is so beautiful, I really did get lucky with her.

We finally arrive home, I got out and picked up my still sleeping wife.
The guards came to get the bags and I whispered to them to take it up to the joint room.
Carefully I make my way to her room and put her under the blankets, she snuggled more into them and I smiled.
I then go to the kitchen because I needed food and by food I mean blood.
"Where is my beautiful Note!"
Yozac Shouts and I roll my eyes.
"Sleeping." He smirked. "Tired her out good didn't you?"
I just ignore him and not to soon Paolo was here also seeking Ana and then the rest of the dahm castle.
"Geesz, I really feel loved as you all are looking for Ana." They give me a deadpan look and shrugged.
"I promise if you ALL go home now, you can all see her tomorrow and you'll have her for the whole day." Their faves brighten and they left.
Count on Ana to make men fawn over her just by being her.

On another note, I really need to make some decent food for when Ana wakes up.


Feeling this comfortable let me know that I am in my bed.
"Look how cute you look when you wake up." Leo says and I open my eyed to see him standing there with two trays of food.
"Look how delicious you look with food in your hands." Already licking my lips.
He laughed and I joined him at the small table stationed in my room.
"I tried to make food and the cooks helped alot, but here we are."
Ooohhh it was my favorite, home made pizza.
"It was the easiest that I couldn't really mess up." He shyly says.
"And it smells heavenly so let's dig in!"
I took a bite of the chicken mayo piece and moaned.
"This is really good Love."
He was only staring at me and I scowled with a playful smile.
"Leo, no, we are eating now."
"Not my fault you moaned when you took a bite." He smirked and I roll my eyes. This was always how we ended up having sex.
"Not my fault the food is good, now let's try to enjoy a meal together and finish it as well."
He pouts, "I'd rather have you, but if you say so."
It wasn't helping that I wanted him just as much.
Self control Ana!
But oh the look he was giving me, I could already see how he is undressing me with his gaze.
Self. Control. Ana.
Naturally the idiot smirked, he knew exactly how I felt, dahm our mate bond.

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