Chapter 16

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"Look at her Jules, she is perfect." Erick cradles his daughter in his arms. To him she was perfection. Julianna gave a weak smile, still tired from giving birth to her daughter. "Well Daddy, what will you name her?" His eyes grew wide. "I...I get to choose a name?" She giggles. "Yes Finny." He stares at his girl, the only thing that looks like him is her eyes. "Anastasia Bloom."

"Bloom? I didn't know I had another name." I whispered to myself. Fiona herd me. "Your mother probably left that name out, Bloom is a royal elf name and if she left you on a doorstep of a werewolf pack she must have known that they will immediately inquire the elf kingdom about you. If they found out your father had a baby with someone other than a elf he would have been charged with treason and be put to death." The elves are really serious. "So what happened, to my mother and me?" Fiona frowns. "I don't know. Your father had to leave one week after you were born. The same day he left I went later that night. When I got there the place was trashed. Everything was broken and neither you or your mother was there. I tried to track her but came up empty, your father tried as well, but even with his abilities he couldn't. Your mother was a good tracker therefor she could cover up her tracks. I immediately informed your father.


"Erick, do you have any idea what could have happened?" Erick was down on his knees as he look around the room. His mate and daughter are gone. He's never felt so helpless in his life. "It must have been the spies, I don't see who else it could have been." He was raging now, he knew where to go and who he will get rid off. His mate was alive, he could feel her and that was his only salvation. "I'll find you Jules and our daughter."

"I haven't heard from your father since, but he kept his promise. Cross mating is now allowed and surprise, alot of people came forth saying their mate was another specie." It made me proud that my father was able to keep his promise to my mother. "So who did my father marry?" Was a question that came to mind. "Arranged marriage to Lady Kana, an aristocrat, they have a son named Arion." I have a half brother.
"Ana are you still oky?" Leo ask, constantly rubbing my shoulders to keep me calm. "I guess." This was all just soo much. "Finding out who my parents are, who I am. It's alot to take in." Fiona smiles. "I understand sweetheart, we will be leaving now. We will be back in two days again." They said goodbye, leaving me and Leo alone. He picks me up and takes me to my room. He got me in comfy pajamas and put me in the bed. Next he got a fire ready and joined me on the bed. He drags me closer to him and his nose was basically smelling my hair. "Sleep beloved, I'll stay with you." I wasn't in the slightest tired, I just woke up a vew hours ago, but Leo knew me better and I was asleep before I knew it.

I woke up the same way I fell asleep, in Leo's arms. He was still wide awake. "Hey, did you sleep well?" He kisses my cheek and I give him a lazy smile. "Mmm." "Want to go out today?"
"If it is with you, always."

~Erick Finn~ (Surprise!)

"Erick please, this has to stop." I rip away from her. Touching her always makes me want to puke. There is only one woman who I want to touch me. "I will never stop until I find her! Never!" Kana was not impressed with my answer. "This is madness, it's been eighteen years! There is no way the child is still alive." I freeze at her words. "It's not a child, it is my child! My daughter! I lost my mate, but I knew she kept our daughter safe and I will not stop until I find her!" I walk away from her and come across my son, Arion. I love my son, he truly is a blessing and I am glad he looks just like me. "Father!" He jumps up to hug me. "How are you my boy?" He was 16 years old. "I'm good, my water magic has improved alot!" He skip follows me to the throne room, telling me about his day. For a 16 year old boy he is very cheery and the people absolutely love him. He will make a great king one day.
In the throne room I find my mother. The cheery mood that my son put me in immediately disappears,"I did not know you would be comming, had I known I would've left." I say and my mother looks down. "Don't you think it is time to forgive me?"
Why today of all days, she just had to show up. "My mate is dead! Dead! What do you think?" My mother takes a step back with the force of my voice. "Please, I just..."
"Mother.." I interrupt her, "Today is not a very good day to be nagging about forgiveness. Leave." She walked away. "Father." My son ask attention and I see him looking at me with worry in his eyes. "I'm oky son." Arion knew that he had a sister out there somewhere, he knew I had a mate who died. He is a very understanding boy and I couldn't be more grateful of him. "When am I going to see my sister?" When indeed. I have to find her. I just have to.

Years ago, I felt Julianna died. My heart was in shambles. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. My life was meaningless without her, I wanted to end my life to join her in the afterlife, but I could not. I knew she would have kept our daughter save and that I had to find her. How would I even face Jules if she finds out I abandoned our daughter. I couldn't, the thought of leaving my baby girl abandoned in this world was unthinkable. I promised myself that I will find our daughter no matter how long it takes me!

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