Chapter 47

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"I don't think the queen likes me much." I tell Leo when we retired to our own room as well.
The room was painted in a very light yellow almost cream colored.
One of the walls was completely covered in painted flowers with different colours.
On the opposite side, a beautiful stone fireplace and above it was a painting of some kind of mountain. A light grey loveseat accompanied the fireplace with a fluffy rug that is the same colour as the canopy bed.
The canopy bed was made of light wood and beautiful flowers are carved into it, it works beautifully with the white sheets.
"I agree, it's like she wishes you were dead. I don't think I like that." he frowns.
I bite my lip, thinking about her scent.
"What bothers you my love?" Leo kissed my shoulder as he joined me in bed.
"I'm not sure. It's just that she smells familiar. If that makes any sense."
Leo frowns. "It is rather strange, maby it's just a scent on her that you've encountered before. That smell of yours got insanely sensitive since you turned."
"Mmmm, maybe."
He switched off the light and pulled me close to him.
"Don't worry about it now Ana, sleep, we've had a long and exciting day." I chuckle, that was true.
"Love you Leo." I mumble.
"Love you Ana, goodnight."
For some reason I just couldn't get that scent out of my mind. It was like it was calling out to me.
Unfortunately my exhaustion of the day caught up and I fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning we got up bright and early as my father and Arion gave us a tour of the castle and the realm.
I could see how amazing of a ruler he was by how the people reacted when they see him. He knows everyone by name and their stories. It was truly amazing and it inspired me to be the best queen I can be for my people.
Arion will be an amazing ruler, the people love him and you can see how he admires them. He's completely different when his mother is not around. Almost as if he is holding himself back with his mother present.
"Pwetty Lwady!" A boy, not much older than five, points at me and smiles.
I kneel before him. "You think so?"
He nods his head, turning a bit red. I found it highly adorable.
"I think so too." Leo says behind me and the boy giggles and runs back into his mother's arms.
One couldn't help but smile when they see how cute the boy is and how his mother smiles when she scoops him up into the air and kissed his belly.
Mothers are truly wonderful.
"One day it'll be you Beloved." Leo whispered in my ear and I quickly wipe away a tear that already escaped.
"One day."

All in all the tour was wonderful and now my father dragged us to the tea garden to have some refreshments. I wish I could enjoy it, but that familiar smell I know just keeps popping up and certain places and it irks me.
Even when Arion said it's his mother's area, that bothered me the most and tonight I will find out where that smell is comming from since it was most noticeable during the night.

We had an early dinner and Leo and I went to bed. Leo kept quite a firm hold on me, but I managed to get out of his hold. The smell was yet again fresh and I needed to follow it now before it was too late.
So I followed the scent in the shadows so that no one can see me. I don't need to be caught and let my father know that I am wondering around the castle because of a smell that is bugging me.

The scent takes me to a wall, I knew there was a trap door hidden, so I looked around until I pulled on the wall lamp and the door opened and I quickly walked in.
This was definitely where the scent came from.
It had that typical medieval castle feeling to it with the stone walls and dark vide. It was colder here than on the other side.
With new determination and excitement I follow the stairs leading down, hearing the occasional rat or bug making noises by scurrying away from my walking.
The scent grows stronger by the second, mixed with the smell of blood that made me hurry down.
I reached a metal door and with effort I opened it. Magic really comes in handy.
I held my breath as I open the door.
There in the middle was a woman chained up, her hands above her head, handing there with her feet almost touching the ground, but also chained. It was a cruel sight to behold, but I knew who it was.


She visited me again tonight. It's clear that she is irritated by something. If I knew what it would be great, but what can I do. I've been stuck here for who knows how long.
My senses are dulled beyond repair and well, I've lost hope of ever getting back to the outside world.
I watch my blood fall to the floor, drop for drop.
The mirrored floor mocking me with how hideous I have become over the years of ongoing torturing.
My once beautiful skin is now marred with scars that couldn't heal because it was being opened time and time again.
She never scarred my face, saying she wouldn't want my face to deform because she wants to see the pained expression clearly on my face.
It was a different type ot torture that I wish she could just scar my face.
Just how long does she intend to keep me here. When will she let me finally meet my death.
The door opens, I didn't even lift my head.
"Back for more Kana?"
Nothing was said until I hear a voice, so soft, on the edge of breaking.



We ALL know who is unknown, unless you don't, then don't read further from here.....

I had a hard time to choose if I wanted to bring Julianna in the picture again or if she should have stayed dead, but after alot of struggling I decided she'll be in the story.

Do you guys like this idea? Or would you have chosen to keep her dead?

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