Chapther 0.1

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Her eyes were closed while she played the piano. She was in a whole different world. One that other could only hope to reach by listening to her. The kids smiled and danced along with the music. It was a simple song, twinkle twinkle little star, but the way she played it, made it sound like a masterpiece. He body moving with the rhythm while her fingers flows through the keys. She makes you look past her appearance, asif the music itself capture your every fibre. She paints you the song she is playing.
The song ends and the children clap their hands for her. Her smile was genuine, her green_blue eyes told the truth.
She was happy.
Her black soft curls hangs loosely and reached just above her butt. "Wow Stacey! Play it again!" Lilly the youngest asked her and the other children agreed. She gives but a giggle. "But I play it twice everyday, do I really need to play it again?" They gathered around her and gave her their best puppy look. She stepped back and looked at me with pleading eyes. I just smile and deny her a way out. Her shoulders slump and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Very well then." The children were happy again when she started playing. I made a mental note to pat myself on the back for finding this piano for the house, I just taught it would be nice should someone want to try and play, but then Stacey came and played like a pro. We all were awestruck with her talent, I know for a fact that she never even touched a piano and she could play it fluently. She relied on her hearing. She listens to a song touches a vew keys and then she just starts playing. Its truly wonderful,she has a gift. I wish I could help her more, but I don't have the funds to support her nor do I have the contacts so that people could hear her out. "Mrs Thea! Did you like it?" Stacey hops off the piano and skipped to me. She was always happy, I've never seen her sad. "It was beautiful child, you are getting better everyday." Her eyes sparkle with pride. "Mrs Thea, so you think my mate will like it too?"
All the kids are taught from early on that they have a special someone to love forever and ever. "I think he will darling." She smiles again and skips away. Oh Anastasia, what will the future hold for you, my sunchild?


So first tease chapter!
What do you guys think. Excited?

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