Chapter 50

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It's been two years since I married Leo, killed Kevin and rescued my mother. Time surely flies.
Turns out, Arion's mate is the sky fairie's youngest princess, Skylari. She's absolutely beautiful and they are perfect for each other.
They just announced six months ago that she is pregnant, have been for three months, so she is ready to pop any day now.

 They just announced six months ago that she is pregnant, have been for three months, so she is ready to pop any day now

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Merlia had five girls; Harley, Merla, Aria, Marley and Hayley, poor Harold.
Warren had a child, his name is Oscar. Turns out Warren had a passionate night on one of his adventures and produced a child he didn't know about until the mother passed away, making Warren a single father.
Oscar is the cutest little child and he stays with Warren wherever he goes.
Mother and father are traveling the world for their honeymoon. The married two days after being reunited again and decided to travel the world. I get letters every week with a bunch of photos and stories. I'm just so glad they are enjoying themselves. I know that they'll be returning to Arion for the birth of their grandchild.

Today though, we are welcoming back Opal from her tour. I was glad she spent the whole trip away from here, away from Camilla.
"Highness, Opal's carriage reached the castle grounds."
I rush the the yard.
"Higness please don't rush like that!" Gerald yells. My tutor as you could call him, advisor, pain in my ass, take your pick.
"Dont worry I'm fine!" I yell and continued to rush outside. Opal and I have grown pretty close, she's been writing to me constantly about her travels. I never expected her to do that, but I was overjoyed by the first letter I received. We've been on touch eversince, but I have a feeling she os hiding something from me.

The door to the carriage opens and Opal steps out, a smile made it onto her face when she sees me.
"Your Grace." She says and I scoop her in for a hug.
"No formalities please, Stacy is fine."
She laughed. "Very well then Stacy, there is someone I want you to meet." I perked up when she reached her hand out and someone esle took it from inside.

A woman with beautiful blonde hair, silver blueish eyes and cute rose lips came out. Her cream dress flowed like water as she stepped out.
I could sense that she was a Naiad.
"Stacy, I'd like you to meet Pearl. Pearl this is Queen Anastasia." I wave Opal off I take Pearl's hands in mine.
"It's a pleasure to be in the presence of someone like yourself Pearl." I give a slight bow.
Pearl smiled and courtesy.
"The honor is all mine your grace, your name has spread far and wide." I lead them into the castle.
"All good I hope."
"Oh yes, the waters do not lie."
Opal smiled down at Pearl and a squeal just made it out of my mouth.
"You two look so adorable together! And I mean Pearl and Opal! There can be no greater match." Opal blushed. She actually blushed!
"Come come, I have refreshments set up in the garden."

We sat down in the garden near the spring

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We sat down in the garden near the spring.
The servants sat down our food which consists of small bites of different foods and desserts. I might have gone overboard making all of this.
"Do tell me how you two met."
Opal averted her eyes and Pearl giggled.
"Oh she was cleansing herself in my spring when I met her almost a year and a half ago, when I wanted to introduce myself she held me at the sword. A sword pointed at me in my own spring."
Opal groaned. "I told you I was sorry." I smile, Opal was happy.


Word has spread that Opal is comming home today and I am so glad. There is so many things I need to say to her. To make it right.
I received news that she was now at her home residence after her meeting with the queen.
I rushed to her as quickly as I could.
I burts through the doors.
"Opal!" I called as I run to her office. A habit she makes when she is gone for a long time.
"Opal!" I rushed in and her eyes grew wide, but then calmed down.
"Camilla, how can I help?" I walk closer to her.
"There is so many things I want to tell you. I..." Hesitated.
She didn't say anything, waiting for me.
What should I do? Or say?
"I'm..." I look at the floor hoping it would give me courage.
"I love you Opal!" I yell, eyes closed. Nothing was said between us.
I look up to see no reaction from Opal as she leans on her desk.
"There was a time that I would have jumped in joy at those words. The nights I spend dreaming about how you said that to me. To return my feelings." A pit grew in my stomach.
"But now, those words, I do not wish to hear them from you anymore."
Tears form in my eyes.
"Please let me explain to you Opal please. We...we can be together now."
"You broke my heart Camilla."
"I know and I'm sorry, please, give me a chance. I do lov...." The door opens and I wanted to scream at the person who dared entered without knocking.
But the look on Opal's face, the smile she gave this person, was different than any other.
"Pearl, did you enjoy the gardens?"
"Indeed I did, it is as beautiful as you said." and then the person appeared in my eye view. A beautiful woman indeed.
She looked my way and frowned, "You are not welcome here, I do not wish for you to anger my Darling."
Darling? The fuck?
"Do you know who I..."
"Indeed I do."
"Camilla, please leave." Opal says and I stagger back.
"No, no! I do not accept this! You are mine!"
"I am not your anything!" Opal raised her voice and towers over me, she never raised her voice at me before.
"You lost that right two years ago!"
"You can't tell me that you don't love me anymore? All that years of love?"
She frowns and stared out ofbthe window.
"I did love you Camilla, with everybone in my body, but you broke my heart. Shattered our friendship. I would have been fine if you did not return my feelings, but you stomped on it, on our friendship."
She then looks at Pearl.
"But I love Pearl with every bone in my body, I would follow her to the end of the world. She could shatter my heart and I'd still love her. She's the air that I breathe and invades my dreams each night. She's the first thing I want when I wake up and I want to hold her till she sleeps safely in my arms. My love for her, it has no bounds."
It was then that I felt what Opal felt two years ago.
My heart shattering.
"I will always be grateful to you Camilla, our friendship and my love, but it's too late for us to ever be anything. You are merely in my past. When you barged in now, proclaiming your love for me. I felt nothing."


I stare at the door after Camilla rushed out in tears. I closed my eyes and feel Pearls soft hands on my cheeks.
"Are you alright, Darling?" A tear escaped my eye.
"I will understand if you go after her, she was your love interest for centuries."
I look at her and kissed her head. "You'd let me go if I wished?"
She smiles, "I will."
She stand on her toes to claim my lips.
"But know that I'll do anything to make you stay by my side or to steal you away." I chuckled.
"I knew you were a posessive woman." She smiles and kissed my neck.
"When it comes to you, Darling, I have to be."


As everyone can tell, our story is comming to an end. Think two more chapters left?

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