Chapter 27

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I now have only one member of the counsel to sway and that was Opal, best friends with Camilla.
"I really don't see why you would want her to bless your relationship with Vlad. You are looking for the impossible." Warren says as he kicks me to the ground.  We were currently training and my ass is being handed to me.

After my win against Warren, the news spreaded like wildfire and more counsel members said that they approve. Can you believe it! Which made Opal the only one not liking me.
"Well she can sway everyone to kind of not like me."
We clashed swords again.
I had a duty towards him, to make sure I live up to his expectations.
"You wound me West, I pledged my loyalty to you, I won't be swayed by her."
That was true, but still.
"Is it not better to have all your weak links covered in battle. Leaving no option for failure? After all, one weak link can make a whole army dow in defeat." I counter and sending him flying.
"When you put it like that I can't really object to you viewing."
We sparred for a vew more minutes before we take a break.
"So how are you going to win over the best friend of your enemy?"
I fall dramatically on the floor staring at the clouds.
"Your guess is as good as mine."
I closed my eyes, having no idea how to make Opal see that I am not bad for Leo or the kingdom.
I do have one way, but I don't want to use it.
"Well I'm going on a short break, I'll see you in five."

The moment I was away from Warren, Harold joined me.
"How is your training going Harold?" I asked him.
I learned Leo appointed him as my personal guard. I don't mind that at all, he is good company.
"Very well Miss, hard, but I guess it shouldn't be easy seeing that I have to protect you."
"That's good to hear."
We walked through the maze gardens, something compelled me to go there today.
Then I hear a sob.
"Harold stay here." I whispered. He nods and I follow the sound.
To my surprise I find Lady Opal crying on a bench. She didn't look like the fierce woman I saw.
"Uhm, Lady Opal, are you all right?" I approached her like one would approach a wounded wild animal.
Very slowly.
Her head whipped to my voice and she immediately brushed off her tears.
"Miss West, please leave!" She spits out of her mouth.
Instead of listening to her I sit next to her. Earning a glare and I'm sure she wishes to rip off my neck.
Maby in her mind she already did.
"I'm not going anywhere till you feel better."
The look I am receiving from her, I'd be dead by now, but I really can't leave till she is better.
At the orphanage when kids cry, I would sit next to them as they cried. I didn't say anything and didn't attempt to find out what is wrong. But I found that someone just being there helped alot.

After a while she finally stopped crying.
She looked at me and frowned. "Don't expect me to talk about it." She grumbled.
I smiled, "If you don't want to I will not force you. You barely know me after all."
She only frowned more.
"I don't like you Miss West."
Very blunt.
"May I ask why, I gave you no reason to like or dislike me."
May as well be blunt with her as well.
She didn't give me any reply, she looked at the ground rather. I can only assume it was because of Camilla.
"You'd do anything for the one you love Miss West." I nod.
Opal took a deep breath and looks up at the sky in a failed attempt to not let tears fall off her face.
The wheels in my head begins to turn, "I'd do anything for her, even if it means she is not with me."
And then the realization dawned on me.
"You love Camilla." The look in her eyes told me the answer no matter if she tries to deny it.
Holy......! I'm trying not to freak out!
Opal is inlove with Camilla.
"But she never onced looked at me as more than her trusted friend."
A one sided love can break one's heart, that much I know.
"Well, I don't know anything about you two much, but have you tried to make her see that you want more?"
She pursed her lips together.
"I don't think so."
"Why don't I help you with that? I mean I'll surely try." Opal frowned once again.
"You are just saying that because you want me to say I approve of your and his majesty."
"Well,that is only half true. I'd help you either way Lady Opal. It's the kind of person I am. Everyone should be with the one they love."
Silence reigned again between us.
"Very well, will you help me Anastasia?"
I give her a side hug, "You know I will." I could see a faint yet uncomfortable, smile.
"I want to invite you to dinner tonight, Warren, Erlan, Urlo, Yozac and Paolo will be there. Will you come?"
She pondered a while, but I am patient.
"Alright Anastasia, I'll see you tonight then. Thank you."
"Great! See you tonight!" And I skipped away.
I was over the moon, I don't know if I have her blessing or not, but it matters not right now.
Slow and steady will win the race right now.

Harold sees me and his head tilts.
"Why do you look so happy Miss?"
"Because it's a wonderful day to be happy!" I giggled and started to run to the training field to join Warren.

After I trained, I kind of cut short on it. I needed to prepare for dinner. I want everything to run smoothly because Opal will be there.
"Why is my beloved in the kitchen?" Leo embraced me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder.
"Well the guys are comming for dinner, reason number one."
"And reason number two."
"Lady Opal agreed to come as well." That got his attention.
"How on earth did you bribe her to come? What dirt do you have on her?"
I giggled, tasting the marinade I'm working on.
"No I did not bribe her, now shoo! I have food to be prepared!"
He chuckles and holds his hands up in surrender while I wack him with a spatula out of the kitchen.
"Alright, alright don't kill me with a spatula please woman!"
You could hear the staff trying to contain their laughter with coughs.
Time to make a feast!

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