Chapter 7

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"Become my wife." I say to her. It didn't look like she responded at all. She was in a different space with her mouth slightly open. Sje didn't even blink.
I did just dropped a huge bomb on her. I slowly mobe closer to her. I take one of her black locks and kissed it as if ot was her hand. She had the most beautiful long black hair for me.
"Become my wife, Anastasia." I whisper into her ear, I kissed her forehead and walked away. She needed to process all of it.
I find Luka outside the door waiting for me. Pacing up and down like a lunatic. "Are you mad Vlad!? She is a werewolf, how can you possibly want her as your wife? The counsel will never allow this!" Luka storms behind me as I walk with the tray to the kitchen, completely ignoring him as he rants about my choice of a wife. I'm just amazed and happy that Anastasia ate everything, it means she is healing very good. "Are you even listening to me Vlad?"
"Mmm." He groans out of frustration, but still follows me anyway.

My mind drifts off to Anastasia. I couldn't help but smile when I see Anastasia's confused face in my mind when she woke up. I found it absolutely adorable. Her voice has still not recovered from all the screaming from the day before, but I believe she will be better at the end of the day if she eats all her food like she ate this morning.
I was in wonder when she saw my fangs but did not run away or growl at me. She just stared at me, her eyes are so dull, dead even, but I feel that there is still something left within her and I wanted to bring that back. I don't even know why an alpha would reject her.
"Don't smile it freaks me out Vlad." Luka seems really freaked out. "I'm not smiling Luka you are seeing wierd things." He scowls at me and takes a deep breath.
"Sure sure Vlad."
I thank the chef for the food and continue with my day. "Luka, don't tell anyone about Anastasia." I could see Luka felt very conflicted about my actions.
"Alright, as you wish Vlad." But in the end he is still my friend.

I went on with my duties with Anastasia in the back of my mind. I asked Luka to give her food for lunch but he informed me that she was asleep when he gave her the food so he just left it there for her for when she wakes up.
"Please King Vladius, spare me." Brimmon begged on his knees. He has been killing humans left and right in small towns. Despite my warnings and his time in jail and all the hours of toeture, he learned nothing. "Brimmon I gave you many chances to redeem yourself, you have failed and you will pay for it." I order the guards to kill him and I watch his head drop on the floor. His body is immediately injected with a mixture that kills high ranked vampires. It's a highly concentrated liquid of polonium, mercury and arsenic. It's a concoction only royals have and we make it as well. We don't need everyone knowing that there is a way to kill high ranked vampires.
His body melts then turns to ash. "Clean up." I didn't need rotting ashes in my office.

It's about supper time so I asked the chef if he could make the same food again that she had for breakfast. She is still in alot of pain. The chef didn't ask any questions about why he had to make the soup and he best be quiet about it. He knows if rumors are spread it will be his head that will be flying.

With effort as to not let her food spill I enter to see her sleepin, sprawled out all over the bed. I chuckled at how comfortable she was sleeping. I see that her lunch was already finished. I'm glad she ate.
Her breaths suddenly grew rapid and she has sweat covering her body. "Anastasia." I shake her to try and see if I can wake her up. She stirs a little, but did not open her eyes. "Wake up my beloved." I try again and she almost falls off the bed with the speed she woke up. I catch her to steady her. "Leonard?" Her cute voice calls my name and I meet her pretty blue eyes. She looked more dull than before, I noticed, but said nothing. Her calling me by my first name stirred something in me. I stroke her cheek and she closes her eyes. "Yes it's me." She winced when she tries to sit up. I gently help her. "Thanks." I give her her dinner. She looks at her plate and then at me. "Where is your dinner?"
"Food is only for my enjoyment, like chocolate for you." The weels are turning in her head. "You still didn't answer my question." She says with a small pout which I find highly adorable. "I already had." It was quiet for a while and she eats her food. "Thank you for the food." I take her food away. "Will you eat with me next time?" Her voice was so insecure, like she is waiting for rejection. "Why would I do that?" Does she know what I eat? "I never ate dinner alone. At the orphanage there was always kids around me, it's the first time that I ate alone. I don't think I can get use to it just yet." She's an orphan. Her tears are starting again, but she furiously wipes them away. "I'm sorry, I'm just so sick of crying." I give her a tissue. "Do you want to write a letter? I can deliver it for you of you want someone to know that you are fine." Her smile was worth the request. "Please that would be great."
She spend the rest of the night writing letters.
She wrote 17 in total, one to each kid, one to Mrs Thea, one to her friend Dorothy and then one to the ex mate.
While she wrote each letter she told me about the person she was writing to. Their likes, dislikes what fun she had with them. It was truly remarkable how she wrote to each child a letter without feeling like she is repeating herself. I folded each letter and sealed it.
"Why?" She whisper after she puts the pen away. "Why what?"
There was tears in her eyes again. "Why did you take me away?" a question she's been burning to ask. "You want the truth?" She didn't need to replie, the answer was in her eyes. "I've never seen anyone that beautiful and broken in my life." I take a strand of her hair and put it behind her ear. "That is why, Anastasia."


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