We got to the Forbidden Forest, and I sighed heavily. "So what now?" I asked looking at Blaise. He bit his lip and pointed at the clear, but noticeable portal.

"We just...walk in." Blaise said, Harry scoffed and shook his head.

"No, we can't just walk in. We're going to need a plan, besides we need to figure out how it only let Nirvana in, but not Blaise." Harry said, I nodded in agreement and threw Crabbe through the portal.

Everyone looked at me in shock. "What? He's use less!" I said with an attitude, Crabbe rolled his eyes and looked around.

"Everything looks the same." Crabbe said, Blaise gasped and face palmed himself catching our attention.

"Bloody hell! I know why it hasn't worked for me! I didn't sleep last night," He chuckled, "we should walk into the portal, leave and go back to the palace and fall asleep." Blaise said, we all looked at each other will smiles on our faces and we stepped into the portal.

We stood in there for a minute and walked back out, we all ran to the palace and into the first floor bathroom.

"I really hope this works."

"Me too."

We all sat down in a line with our backs against the wall. I sighed and slowly closed my eyes.. Please work, I can't lose you.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt my body drop. I opened my eyes and found myself in a red hallway with Crabbe, Goyle, Hermione, Potter, Neville and the Weaslys.

"Bloody hell

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"Bloody hell." We all said, "that's a bad saying for-" We stopped talking when we realized we were talking in sync.

There was loud screaming that made my ears hurt. We all put our hands over our ears and followed the screams. Nirvana.

"GET OFF OF ME!" She begged, my heart ached at the thought of her being awfully hurt. "NO, THAT'S NOT TRUE! IT'S NOT MY FAULT ELIZAH DIED!" I heard her yell. Nirvana had a twin sister who drowned in the lake in front of her house when we were 6. It was July 17 1986 and our families were out on a boat, Nirvana and Elizah were messing around and Elizah fell into the water, before we knew it we were a mile away from her, when we got back to her it was too late and Nirvana always blames herself for it for some reason.

I continued following the screams, they led up some stairs. "NIRVANA!?" I called out, her screams stopped and they led to another set of stairs.

As I got closer to her screams, my body felt hot and as I got further my body got colder. "It's a game of Hot and Cold." I whispered, I ran closer to her but my body felt as if it was on fire. I took off my robe and wiped off my sweat with it.

I finally stopped at a black door with over a hundred locks on it. I heard footsteps and started looking around in fear. "Calm down Draco, it's just us." Blaise said grabbing his wand, Hermione looked at the locks and sighed.

"Everyone take five." She said with a heavy and tired voice. "Hurry, it's burning hot in here." I nodded and grabbed my wand along with everyone else.

For the next 6 minutes the word "Alohomora" kept on bouncing on and off the walls. When we got to the last lock, Neville sighed and whispered the word "Alohomora." As he flicked around his wand.

The door slowly opened making a loud noise, once the door was fully open we ran inside and found the floor covered in blood, every inch of it and Nirvana was in the middle of all of it.

"Nirvana, you're gonna be alright." Fred said approaching her, he tried picking her up but he flinched and backed away from her. "She's hotter than fire!"

"Give me your robes!" Harry yelled, I threw my robe at him as everyone took theirs off. Potter piled up the robes and picked up Nirvana. "HURRY, SHE'S BURNING THE ROBES!"

We ran out into the hall and rushed to an elevator.

We got inside the elevator and pressed the number for the first floor

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We got inside the elevator and pressed the number for the first floor. Going down the elevator felt like ages, and every second we spent inside of it the closer it felt I was to death.

When we got to the first floor we ran out and looked at Harry, he was walking so slow, and the robes were about to burn through.

"COME ON HARRY! WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME!" Ginny yelled, Harry nodded and started running with us

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"COME ON HARRY! WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME!" Ginny yelled, Harry nodded and started running with us.

My heart broke seeing Nirvana slowly dying, she lost so much blood it surprised me that she was still alive.

We finally stopped at a red door. Neville tried turning the black doorknob but it was locked, he tried using his wand, but it wouldn't unlock.

"Uhhh guys.." Ron said with a shaky voice, we looked at him and yelled.



He pointed at the ball of fire flying towards us. My heart raced like never before."HERMIONE OPEN THE BLOODY DOOR!!" The Weaslys yelled all trying to turn the door knob.

"IT'S STUCK!!" Hermione yelled, I looked at the door and leaned my body against. I hit the door over and over again with my hips, and everyone joined until the door finally opened.

We ran inside the door and slammed it shut. I closed my eyes and woke up in the nursery with a gasp.

I looked around and looked at everyone with a heavy sigh. We immediately scanned the room searching for the blue eyed brunette.


She turned her head towards me, her icy blue eyes locking with mine. I leaped out of the bed and ran to her.

"Are you alright?"

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