The Storyville was a cozy salon with walls covered in wood colors and terracotta couches with round wood tables in front of it. It might seem minimalist, but it actually gives you the sensation of being in your couch at home relaxing while having a coffee or something else that might indulge your soul. Ellie loved it there, precisely for the protective and intimate atmosphere.

"May I help you?" A young bartender came to receive her at the door, but she had already spotted Brenda waving franticly from the back of the room.

"That's my friend." Ellie smiled and pointed so the young man could witness her friend's dorkiness.

"Please, go ahead." He smiled politely.

"Thank you." Ellie smiled and began to walk in Brenda's direction.

"Hey!" She grinned when she got near her. Ellie took off her coat and put it on the couch together with her purse and umbrella. "How are you?" Ellie asked.

"I'm fine." Brenda answered with her green eyes dancing in a mysterious way.

Ellie, who knew that since she came back to Seattle, curled an eyebrow. "What's the matter?" She asked as she sat.

"I saw Chris this morning." She dropped the news.

Ellie felt her heart coming to a long pause. She could swear it stopped beating that very moment. Her gray eyes pierced on her friends' and then she shook her head.

"I don't care." Ellie blurted regaining control of her emotions.

"That's not true, El." Brenda told her. "It's not true at all. If you don't care why do you avoid every possible place you might find him?"

"It doesn't matter..." Ellie said looking away.

She gazed at the street as tears had invaded her eyes. She missed him so much, sometimes she thought she'd go insane. Ellie took a deep breath to prevent her tears from falling and then looked back at her friend.

"How is he?" She didn't resist to ask though.

"He is sad." Brenda told her and that broke her heart. "He loves you, El."

"A person who loves another does not cheat." She said determined.

"But you are pregnant!" She exclaimed. "He doesn't even know! You must tell him..."

"I know..." Ellie breathed knowing Brenda was totally right on that part.

She needed to let him know. She was just afraid to see him. She was afraid to look in his eyes and lose strength. She had left but she hadn't filed for divorce and neither did he. They were still married. She still had feelings for him. She still loved him with all her heart and soul.

"Then, tell him already. It's been a whole month since you know. You are way too late to tell him already. Ellie..." Brenda crossed her arms on the table and approached her. "Your belly is going to grow, soon it's gonna be pretty clear that you are pregnant. You are ten weeks pregnant girl..." Brenda clapped her fingers in front of her Ellie's eyes as if waking her up for reality. "It's going to show..."

"I know all that!" Ellie raised her tone. "Don't make me more nervous... I know I am on a deadline here to look for him and talk to him. I am trying to find courage. Do you think it's going to be easy for me to look at him? Just to look..." She gulped there and her eyes became blurred. "I can't..." Ellie shook her head. The tears she didn't want to shed, fell down her cheek that time. "Oh fuck this shit." She cursed and cleaned her face fast.

"You two look miserable." Brenda stated while grabbing Ellie's hand for support.

"I thought time would heal but it doesn't." Ellie let her know. "This wound is just becoming bigger and bigger and I miss him... I miss him more and more every day... and I don't let go... I can't just let go..."

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