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Or have I? 🤨


I looked at Mundy and crossed my arms. "I'm waiting Mundy." He looked down guilty as he took off his hat. He cleared his throat as he began. "I went out last night to the 'snake pit' to see if I could find anything else out. I left my van in the garage." He paused for a breath. 'No wonder it wasn't out there!' I looked at him. "On my way back I thought I saw someone sitting against a tree and I thought it was an enemy, a spy, or a bot. At this point where I stand right now, I believe it was (Y/N)... but she stood up and ran... I chased after her... she tripped on something, but continued to run." The longer he explained the more guilty he looked. "She was almost at the base... and I thought she was a spy or an enemy going to kill us... I shot her..." he looked down. I looked at him and sighed.

Josef, Travish, and Aiden began to chew him out, yelling over each other. "Guys he di-" they got louder. Chase looked at me. "Guys! It's o-" I glared a little and screamed. "ENOUGH." they stopped and looked at me a little shocked. "Now. Let me speak. If you think about it from his point of view, if I wasn't me on this team, I would have been a danger to the team. He had a right to defend you guys. Considering everyone was asleep when I left, if I was an enemy you would've all been dead. Right?"

Everyone nodded a little as they looked between me and Mundy. Josef glared unhappily at Mundy then looked at me. "But vhat he did to jou was unacceptuble!!!" I snapped my head to Josef. "And you keeping my past from me is UNACCEPTABLE!"  (*lemon dude screams in the background*)  

I glared at him just as much as he had glared at Mundy. "Vut tüabe!" He walked over quickly trying to explain why he was upset. I held my hand up stopping him. "Do not chastise me for standing up for Mundy. What he did does not change my love for him." Josefs face fell as he stopped in his tracks. He looked genuinely crushed when I said that.

I sighed softly and looked at Chase, even he looked a little hurt... 'did I say something wrong??' I looked between Josef, Chase, and Mundy. 'But why are they sad? I love Mundy as much as I love all of them, I just.... I like-like him, Chase, and Josef...' I felt anger well up in my stomach suddenly and I threw the blanket off my body as I sat up. I forgot I wasn't wearing anything because they took my hoodie.

Chase, Travish, Aiden, Josef, Mundy, and Solly started coughing violently. I didn't care what they thought anymore. I grabbed my sopping wet hoodie and put it back on despite my fresh bandages. I limped past them, using the wall as support. I slapped any hand they offered and kept going.

The angry limp to my room seemed to take ages, but I eventually made it safely. I slammed my door shut and locked it before threwing the hoodie off quickly. A sigh escaped my chattering teeth as I went into the bathroom and rung the hoodie out. The unused heater in my bathroom would actually come in handy tonight.

I dried off and looked at my body in the mirror. My body looked so weak as I stood there, my cuts on my thighs had scabbed, and laid untouched on my skin. I'm surprised Josef didn't ask me about those. I looked at my face as I stood there. My eyes were sunken in, I had large bags under my eyes, my collarbone was even a little sunken in. My stomach churned and my head was foggy. 'Sleep...... sleep.... sleep.... s\33£... sleep...'

I turned my bathroom light off and pulled on a thick fluffy pair of pj pants, a (f/c) cozy sleep shirt, and a black pair of fuzzy socks. I laid down in my bed and pulled my covers over my body. The blankets were like a warm hug, which felt good after this horrible time of being awake. I looked at the clock. '5:33?! You mean I woke up at 2:46, and was outside for 2 hours and they kept me in there for an hour to fix me up?! God I wish Dell would find out what was wrong with the respawn room.' I laid still and yawned.

My body hurt and I couldn't think straight in this shape. I closed my eyes and listened to the rain pound against the roof. 'Will I ever find out what happened to that little girl? Wait if I was her, what happened to me?'

T.F.2 x Growing Reader. Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now