Christmas Eve

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December 24th. No Ones view.

Everyone had been preoccupied by training and organizing a plan. The base was uncomfortably quiet and cold. (Y/N) and Aiden were in the kitchen mulling over what to cook for dinner. The BLU Pyro and BLU Demo were sitting on the barstools bouncing ideas off them.

The two teams had begun training together a few months ago and were enjoying each other's company. The Engineers, Medics, Spys, Snipers, Soldiers, and Scouts were in the meeting room forming a game plan. Although the Scouts weren't very helpful, slipping in a few crude jokes every fifteen minutes.

The Heavys were out shoveling snow from the doors and making pathways around the base. RED demo was passed out on the couch, and BLU (Y/N) was packing small necessary bags for everyone in case the plan failed.

B.Sco:"Wat if we jus ran away? Didn' boda fighten em?"
B.Med:" Unfortunately I've discovered ve each have un tracking device located somevhere under our skin.
R.Eng:" Yeah, about that.. I have a locating device thatll help me find the darn things. I also made a modified magnet that renders electrical things useless. It's made of neodymium. It will destroy the location transmitters and render it inoperable. Damned thing fried my teleporter!"
R.Med:"Zen Ve can try to fry zhem. May I?"
Red Engineer handed his magnet over and Medic held it to RED Scouts arm. He hovered it around until Scout yelped in pain and pulled away. "OW! What the heck was at for?!" Medic smiled. "Von down. Nineteen to go.

(Y/N) and Aiden had decided to make Nachos and Tacos. At 7:34, dinner was done, and half the team had located where their tracking devices were. The table was set, and everyone was getting their share and settling down in chairs.

They chattered amongst themselves and shared smiles. (Y/N) got up and collected dishes to take to the sink. The BLU team left to try finish preparing and settle for the night.

T.F.2 x Growing Reader. Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now