Try Spy

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*(Y/N) POV*

It was 11:03 PM at the base and I was heading out the door in black clothes. I need to know what those Robots are doing. I hurried towards the forest line as I hugged my jacket close to my chest. "What if they replace us?" I hurried on and watched the ground. Leaves rustled and a branch snapped.

I stopped and turned my flashlight off. Fear spiked in my veins as I held still. Every instinct in my body said to hold still and I didn't want to listen, but I was frozen in fear. Whatever it was, it was gone.

I kept walking but slowly made a wide left u-turn before running back to the base. Thorns snagged my arms and hair. Branched hit me as I went along. I covered my face with one arm as I ran. I cleared the treeline and ran towards Mundy's van.

I turned around and saw nothing but the treeline. 'Was I imagining that?' I shook my head and looked at the van. 'Why not cause trouble?' I shook his van door before going around and shaking the back. Russling echoed from inside and footsteps ran towards the door.

I slid under the van and covered my mouth with my hand. His foot came into view and I waited until I saw both of them. I grabbed his feet and pulled him under the van with a growl. He screamed a little and started kicking.

I giggled and got up from under the van. He was still under so I ran inside and shut the door. It clicked. The van started shaking and Mundys aggravated groan echoed from outside.

I hid in the bathroom closet after I unlocked it. He stepped inside and growled. I bit my lip and calmed my breathing. Mundys shadow came into view and he opened the door. His hand wrapped around my throat and he pinned me to the bed. I gasped in shock and looked at him in fear. He kept me pinned as his lips got close to my ear. "Don't eva do at again. Oi oita pop ya one for at." I nodded and he let go. He sat up and fixed himself.

A blush crept across my cheek as I sat up next to him. "I umm... I'm sorry Mundy." his hand grabbed my knee gently and he looked at me. "You did pretty good Roo. Coulda sworn you wer tha spook. What brings ya oiut to ma campa?" he asked with a smile.

I looked at the floor. "I went out to see what they were doing but I got scared off. Something was following me." He nodded and got up. "Oh." I looked at him. "And I needed to ask you something." He looked at me. I sighed. "I like two different guys on the team. They're both so different, and I don't know what to do." He gave me a small smile. "Well Sheila, spend toime with em and see if they loike you back. Who wouldn't loike you back?" I grinned and stood up. "Thanks Mundy, you're the best." I gave him a hug and quietly headed back to my room.

*Mundy's POV*

'She called me the best?' I shut the door and locked it. Fear clouded my rational thinking. 'She likes two guys on the team but who?! What if it isn't me?' I paced a little and turned the lights off. 'I can't worry about that. I'm a paid assassin. No time for emotions.' Deep down fear hugged my stomach as I laid down and tried to sleep.

T.F.2 x Growing Reader. Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now