This Still Isn't Fun

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Back At The Base
Shortly after Chase and Aiden returned.
Chases POV

I noticed (Y/N) wasn't with us anymore. I didn't want to freak everyone out because we'd taken her out for a teaparty to surprise her. "Hey, uhh, guys?" I spoke up. "Yes Chase?" Solly answered. "(Y/N) didn't follow us back." I replied. "Vat? Vat did ju do to her?!" Josef yelled as he waved Archimedes away. "I-I don't know, I thought she was with us!" I answered.

Suddenly panic hit me and I bolted to the door. "Baby man! Chase, tornado sits outside. It is not safe to go now." Misha grabbed me before I hit the door. "Misour Misha izz corect. Ziz storm izz too strong for us mon ami." Laurent came into view with a worried look in eyes.

Misha set me down and Travish smiled sadly. "It's alright lad, she's a strong ol bard." He assured. I nodded unsure. "Oiu! We'll go an get har aftar this bloody tornado passes."

Dell and Solly walked over dropping two large boxes. "We are not waiting for this storm to pass, everyone grab a pair of shoes,  and a coat and hat. Aiden, go get the flashlights and lanterns." Everyone nodded and quickly geared up and gathered around the door.

Engie and Josef blocked the door as Solly explained the plan. "There will be three groups. G.1, G.2, and G.3. Scout, Travish, and Aiden will go back to the picnic spot. Dell, Josef, and Misha will go to the waterfall. Mundy, myself, and Laurent will go towards the 'snake pit'. Scout, Josef, and Laurent will lead the groups. Any questions?" Aiden raised his hand. "What Aiden?" he straightened up. "Why are you guys the leaders?" Solly, Josef, and myself held up walkie-talkies. "Because we have these. MOVE OUT!"

Travish, Aiden, and I hurried to the picnic spot. It was hard to relocate in the rain, but we found it. There was almost no sign of which way she went. I sighed and jumped as thunder barked above. A tree hit the ground in the distance.

The line picked up. "Negatory at Snake Pit. Any news? Over." I picked up the line. "No signs at tree picnic, not that I can see anyway. We're heading farther in. Over." "Roger that. G.3 heading to G.1 location. Over" the line cleared out. I led the way in, flashlight eliminating the way.

A small path parted the grass in front of me. "We might have found a trail, but it's unlikely. Over." A hand was placed on my shoulder. I turn and looked at them, it was Travish. A faint smile on his face. "Look laddie, she's out ther some where. Jus keep yar chin up." I nodded a little.

Solly marched up, his hat turned down across his eyes. Laurent looked unpleased, all though he didn't wear his mask, he still looked professional. Mundy's rain hat covered his beanie, a toothpick jutted out from his mouth. His sharp eyes studied my face before he gave me a pat on the back.

I smiled softly and returned my attention to the path. Mundy stepped next to me and looked at it. "She went this way alroight." He led the way for a while. We neared a fallen tree that was charred and burnt. A few bushes around it were crisped up. A large mud puddle had gathered up.

A small object jutted out of said mud. Aiden picked it up. "It's the charm bracelet I made her on her first week here. She never takes it off." The bracelet was her favorite color with nine little charms, one from each of us.

Lighting stuck and thunder growled. "EVERYVON! Ve vound her zoes! (shoes) Zhey are covered in mud. Ve are Vest of zee vatervall!" the line dropped.

I hightailed it to the water fall, adrenaline pumped through my veins. The others were hot on my trail, their boots made squishing sounds with each step they took. Misha's tall figure came into sight as we neared. "Everyone! Over here!" he waved his arms around. The storm got worse and more rain dumped, if that was even possible.

T.F.2 x Growing Reader. Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now