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*(Y/N) POV* Next day at noon.

My eyes felt heavy, my body wouldn't move, I felt like I was in my body but it was on autopilot. Exhaustion tugged at my consciousness and I fought for control. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. Panic clouded my mind and something went off. It was annoying, constant, and loud.

Something opened my eyelids and a light was shown into my eyes. 'Stop it prick.' I couldn't fight back but the light disappeared. "Fraülin?" 'WAIT. MEDIC!' Something traced down my arm and something enclosed on my hand. "Jou are okay, jou are safe in ze base! Ve vound jou, can jou squeeze my hand?" I slowly regained a little bit of control and wriggled my fingers a little.

Despair gathered in my chest and I was starting to get desperate for control of my own body. Nothing would move expect my fingers. 'Slap me, do something! Wake me up!' I wanted to scream and kick. I felt so useless. "(Y/N) Stay vith me!" He helped me sit up and shook my a little.

I opened my eyes once my control returned and pain flew up my leg. I flinched and grabbed my ankle. Josef laid his arm on my back and he ran his hand along my shoulders. "What happened?" I looked at him confused. "Vell, Chase und Aiden took you out for a picnic... but jou wondered off and ve vound jou. Unfortunately your ankle is vroken."

I nodded and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. "Thank you Josef!" He stayed still and cautiously hugged me back. "Jou're velcome taübe." I smiled and let him go. His cheeks were a little red and his hair clung to his forehead. "When can I return to work?" I asked. He frowned a little. "You'll be in a wrap for two months." He handed me some crutches. 'NNNNOOOOO!' I nodded a little and he handed me a old t-shirt and a pair of shorts. The bed was kind of soaked and I smelt like water. My clothes stuck to me like wet paper.

I grabbed the back of my shirt and peeled it off over my head. Josef gasped and turned around walking into the closet. "Sorry! I forgot you were in here!" I blushed and dropped the soggy shirt into a bucket, my bra and other items soon followed. The new shirt kind of stuck to me, but it was baggy. The shorts hugged my waist but the legs were very saggy. "I'm dressed!" I called out and he returned. "Jou vetter ve!" He sounded like a dad.

He helped me up and led the way back to the living room. "TOOTS!" I looked up and was immediately scooped into a pair of arms. My crutches hit the floor and I was surrounded by bodies. I giggled and stayed still. Chase set me down at the kitchen table. "When's our next picnic?" I poked fun at them and they smiled. "Never." I giggled. "Why did we go on a picnic?"

Dell stepped up and scratched his bald head gently. "Well doll, we were plannen a pardy for ya... ta thank ya foor all yar hard work ya do for us men. It really means a lot to us, an we wanted ta say thank ya." I smiled at them. "Much obliged partner." I replied trying to mimic his accent. He smiled and set his goggles in his pocket. "Maybe we shouldn't let you go outside alone, cause you used to wonder off a lot." Solly added. 'Wait... Used to?'

I looked at him a little confused. "What do you mean used to?" His eyes widened and Travish slapped the back of his head. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he remained quiet. I looked at Josef. "Josef? What does he mean?" Josef went pale. "Umm. Jou remember zat book you vound?" I nodded. "Vell, ve babysat her for yearz, she often wondered off." Chase looked at him. "Babysat who doc?"

Everyone turned to Josef, confusion clouded their eyes and betrayal masked their faces. "Who did we babysit?" Aiden repeated. Josef lowered his head. "I'll go get za book und explain..." He turned and left. I looked into Laurents eyes, they were troubled. He returned and handed the book to Dell. Dell opened the book and flipped it to the picture of the little girl. "Josef... Said leetle girl was imagination from medicine." Misha stated.

I looked on and limped out of the way. Josef looked at the floor. "This isn't a matter to discuss in the open gentlemen." Laurent cleared his throat. "I advise that we all go to bed and give Josef the time to figure out how he'll explain. Right Doctor?" He sneered a little. Josef nodded quickly, "Right... ov course..."

'What's going on?' Everyone went their separate ways and I tried to follow Mundy. "Mundy?" I whispered. "Aye sheila?" He didn't bother to look at me, his fists were clenched. "Umm.... Can you help me up the stairs?" I could almost see the steam come out his ears. "Ya." He picked me up in one arm and held my crutches in the other. I squeaked a little in surprise.

He draped me over his shoulder, with his arm wrapped under my knees. I held still and looked at the floor. A blush crawled across my cheeks as I looked as his backside. I giggled and tried to find something more interesting to look at. He marched up the stairs and I glued my eyes to his butt. 'Damn... I need a butt like that.... WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING?! Grow up, you work with him.... but he did comfort you in panic attacks, he saved you from something? Remember? Well I remember a little bit.... WAIT I gotta keep it professional...'

I jumped a little when he set me down and handed me my crutches. "Sorry, I got lost in thought..." I mumbled. "Is alright Shiela... I'll see you tomorrow." I gave him a hug and he left. 'Shoot, I made the wrong move. What's wrong with me?!' I went into my room as panic engulfed me.

'Wait, did Josef see my cuts?!' I changed into a pajama shirt and shorts. I inspected my cuts, and nothing looked new. I calmed down and looked at the box in the corner. It was a large box, maybe 4ft wide by 3ft tall and 4ft deep. I sat down inside and hugged my pillow. I don't know why but this feels comfortable, like this is safe. I sat still and set my head on the pillow.

'Who was that little girl? What happened to her? Where is she? Why did Josef lie?

What did Josef do to her?'

T.F.2 x Growing Reader. Book TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora