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*No Ones POV*

Dell, Mundy, and Josef had gathered everyone except (Y/N), who laid asleep in Mundys camper, to the meeting room. "Alrighty fellas. I went out this mornin and took evidence. I'm goin over ther with Chase and Josef, to tell 'em what's goin on. Y'all stay here and clean up the base. We'll be back faster than erecting a dispenser!" The three took the evidence, left their weapons, and made their way over there.

*At BLU's Base* (IDK their names 😣😣 so Their Demo, Sniper, Pryo, Engie, Medic, Scout, Spy, Maid, Heavy, and Soldier will be Scotty, Richard, Andy, Ludwig, Jeremy, Achille, (E/N), Gordan and Thomas. I'm sorry 😞 )

Achille opened the door and dropped his cigarette."Elo Gentlemen. What brings ou 'ere?" Dell stepped up and removed his helmet. "We got some information y'all need to know about. We're inviting youns to the base tanight for ceasefire dinner. I-It's real important that y'all know this. Please bring your own cups, we're havin spaghetti tanight." He finished. Achille nodded respectfully. "I will let the others know. Merci, we will be seeing ou." they shook hands and parted ways. Achille stepped into the kitchen and led their Soldier to their camera-less room. They discussed what to do, they'd attend the request.

*Later, (Y/N) POV*

Mundy and Sully were helping me cook dinner. Everyone had requested spaghetti and french bread. Laurent was unhappy about us using his bread, but he let us. I was told to make extra, as we had guests coming over. We had three large pots of water with noodles and another large pot of sauce. We had four trays of french bread in the oven and the table in the "meeting room" had been set for twenty two.

Mundy and Sully were playing with two uncooked noodles and sword fighting as the guests arrived. Dell had disabled all cameras and microphones. Mundy had Sully bent over the counter with the noodle to his nose. "Surrender!" he hollered. "I do not have permission to surrender!" I giggled and grabbed an ice cube. I motioned for Sully to keep him distracted as I slipped the ice cube down Mundys pants and boxers. He screamed and jumped around as he fished for it.

Laughter erupted from the others. Mundy finally got the ice cube out and threw it in the sink. "You little bugga'! Jus you wait!" He grabbed a fresh one and cournered me at the counter. I laughed like mad as Sully snuck up behind him with a large chunk of ice. Mundy got close and held the ice cube towards my neck. Sully dropped the ice cube into Mundys pants and stepped back. He yelled and fished the ice out of his pants. I kissed his cheek and grinned. "Sorry Mundy, just too easy." He smiled and set his hat on my head. He washed his hands and helped me drain the noodles.

Dell had made a large two foot wide bowl that was a foot deep for large meals like this. Sully dumped the sauce into the bowl slowly as we added the noodles. I giggled as Mundy winked at me. Misha carried the bowl to the table as I set the bread onto three large platters. Chase, Travish, and Aiden carried the platters to the table. Josef and Dell carried plates while Mundy carried three roles of napkins. Sully helped me carry cups to the table.

Achille and Dell helped everyone to their seats as the meal began. Their Engineer, James, said prayer. "Father, please bless the lovely hands that made this gorgeous meal before us. We thank you for calling a cease fire as the spawning system is out. Be with us as we face our new challenges before us. Amen." I tucked into my plate as 'mmmm's' echoed around the room. "This is good toots!" Their scout, Jeremy told me with a thumbs up. I grinned shyly. "I'm glad you like it."

*TimeSkip. After dinner. No POV*

Everyone helped clear the table away. The Soldiers sprayed the table and chairs while the Scouts wiped them down. The Heavy's took the garbage out, the Medics washed and dried dishes, and the Pyros swept the floor. The Spy's supervised while the Demomen mopped the floor. The Snipers put dishes away and the Engineers set the table with drinks. The Maids cleaned the counters and stove.

*(Y/N) POV*

After everyone finished working they returned to the meeting room. Dell sat at the head of the table with Achille on his right. To Achilles right was Jeremy, (E/N), Misha, Laurent, James, Ludwig, Richard, Travish, Aiden, Scotty, Thomas, Andy, Gordan, Chase, Dell, Josef, Mundy, and myself.

Dell set the photos on the table. "Mundy and (Y/N) went for a walk the otha day an found this. Now I'm thinkin that REDman and BLUman are maken 'em to kill us off so they won't hav' ta use us." He explained. Achille nodded and passed down the evidence as he showed Dell the evidence he took. "We also have similar evidence, but these disappear into a cargo container and get lifted out by helicopter." I hugged myself as I zoned out.

*45 minute TimeSkip*

Dell and Achille had reached an agreement, we'd keep an eye out and update each other once a week. We'd be having these large dinners more often. Chase broke out the seven decks of UNO cards and we played.

James sighed as he kept drawing cards. "I need a GREEN!" he yelled causing us to laugh. He smiled and slammed the green card down. "Finally fuck that!" Misha and Jeremy busted out laughing. I giggled and looked at Josef. He was wiping tears away as he laughed.

Ludwig slapped a +4 and Richard added a +2. We looked to Travish as he set down a reverse card. "Wh-what the bloody hell jus happened?!" Richard yelled and picked up six cards. We laughed at him and continued the game.

T.F.2 x Growing Reader. Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now