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*No Ones POV*

The duo walked along a well worn path in the woods. Her cheeks were bright red from laughter, smiling, and blushing. His cheeks were red from smiling. His hat hung on his backpack as they walked. Their hands barely brushed against each other as they walked. Their voiced slowly died down as they entered a dark part of the woods.

The birds didn't chirp, the wind didn't blow, small patches of light bore through the branches. Her hand carefully wrapped around his forearm as they walked. A distant howl echoed against the trees and they walked faster.

They cleared a hill only to be blinded by sunlight. Below them at least five football fields wide stretched before them was a scrap yard. Robots that looked like their teammates marched about and stopped in lines. She drew her phone and started taking pictures and videos. An alarm went off and a larger version of Misha crushed a badly built robot Chase.

A Robot Demo was arm wrestling a Pyro. Another alarm went off and a Robot Soldier went haywire and ran around knocking the others over. The large Misha grabbed him by the head and crushed his head.

She jumped and grabbed his arm. His hand rested above hers as he led her away from the sight. He led her the way they came from and started talking once they reached the brighter side of the forest.

"We have to tell tha others Sheila. This moight bring on big trouble fo us men." She nodded and started to run ahead of him. Panic filled her veins and pushed her forward. He followed close on her tail and kept looking back.

They broke the treeline and belined into the base. "GUYS!" (Y/N) Screamed. The others quickly gathered into the meeting room where no cameras or microphones were. The girl placed her phone on the table and showed Dell. "They were every where fellas. Rows an rows of 'em. Each row was a bunch of one build. A row a Chase, a Row of Dell, a row of Misha, a row of everyone of us. Somethins goin on." Dell couldn't wrap his head around it. "Well I'll be... It's both RED and BLU... Thay might be tryan to rid us boys. We'll send someone out to observe and record what they do. Lets hope it ain't wat I thank it is."

Mundy held (Y/N) as she shook in tears. "What if they are gonna killus? Whatare we gonnado?" She mumbled. Josef walked up and she fled to his arms in tears. "Zare zare fraülin, it vill ve okay. Ve just have to zee vat is going on. Nozing to vorry avout mine taübe. Let's get jou to bed now ja?" He and Mundy led her to her room.

Her anxiety had picked up and she shivered. The men tucked her into bed and left her alone. "Vat do jou zink zey are doing?" Josef asked. "Oi don't know doc. They moight be tryen ta kill us off. An easiar way ta save money and recourses. Wouldn't have ta spend oiur lives foighten a stupid land dispute, Is whot Oi'm guessen. We'll jus have ta foind out." He mussed as they walked down the hall. "Sheila's pretty shaken about it." "Vell ov course zhe iz. Zhe cleans zhe base and take care ov uz. Vut zhe doesn't veally know vhat iz happening. Vould jou like it iv I ruined jour life and jou knew nozing? No. Now go, I have paper vork to do. Gute nacht." the conversation stopped and the two parted ways.

Josefs heart hammered against his chest at mentioning (Y/N). He loved how willing she was to care for others in need. He found it hard to focus on work when she was around. She often brought coffee to his office as he worked on papers.

Mundys life paused when he pictured her beauty. She was innocent, almost like a Doe caught in an open field. She was quick to follow someones lead and easy to guid. She meant well but she was a little gullible.

Chase felt like a little boy when (Y/N) showed him how to do something. She taught him funny pick-up lines, how to cook without getting burnt, she even taught him how to fold his clothes. She laughed at his jokes and he taught her how to play baseball.

Little did she know that they were torn.

T.F.2 x Growing Reader. Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now