Mr. Aizawa, President Mic and All Might texts

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{This is from Mr. Aizawa's phone}

Loudass🗣💛: Hello bros!

Problem child's dad: Hi Mic. Is there a problem?

Loudass🗣💛: no. I just wanted to talk!

Problem child's dad: oh okay.

Loudass🗣💛: All Might have you seen any of the kids?

Problem child's dad: no I haven't. Maybe Aizawa has seen them.

Loudass🗣💛: Shota?! You there?

Problem child's dad: Mr. Aizawa?

Sleepyboi💜: what the fuck do you want?!

Loudass🗣💛: have you seen class 1A?

Sleepyboi💜: yes we are training. Lessons almost over.

Problem child's dad: sorry finish your lesson then come back.

(10 minutes later)

Sleepyboi💜: I'm back.

Loudass🗣💛: Yay!!!!!

Problem child's dad: Good afternoon.

Sleepyboi💜: I'm tired let me sleep

Problem child's dad: but you just- nevermind go to sleep.

Loudass🗣💛: but- but- fine.

[Sleepyboi💜 is offline]
[Loudass🗣💛 is offline]
[Problem child's dad is offline]

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