Tsuyu and someone get kidnapped

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Tsuyu: *gets hit over the head and then gets kidnapped*

-the next day-

Tsuyu: *wakes up* huh- what- what am I doing here? *tries to move and can't* what- let me go.

Someone: it's no use.

Tsuyu: huh? Who is there?

Someone: listen to my voice carefully. Now guess.

Tsuyu: hmmm. Uhhhhh. Say something again.

Someone: Hello, Tsuyu.

Tsuyu: Todoroki?!

Shoto: Hello.

Tsuyu: what are you doing here?!

Shoto: no idea. I've been here for a day. Maybe more. I have no idea. There isn't a clock here-

-with Class 1a-

Iida: Aizawa where is Tsuyu and Todoroki?

Aizawa: I don't know-

Iida: *answers his phone but puts it on speaker*

The kidnapper: is this class 1a?

Aizawa: yes.

The kidnapper: Well I have your friends.

Bakugo: What?!

Iida: You have Tsuyu and Todoroki.

The kidnapper: Yep. *points the phone at them* say Hi guys.

Tsuyu: Hey-


Aizawa: *facepalms*

Bakugo: *biting his tongue so he won't scream and blow up the phone*

Momo: what do you want with them?!

The kidnapper: Just some fun. You have 3 hours to find them. If you don't you can say goodbye to your friends.

Tsuyu: *scared froggo noises*

Shoto: *manages to reach out and hold Tsuyu's hand*

Iida: WHAT?!

The kidnapper: your time starts now-


The kidnapper: *hangs up* *slaps Shoto* They could of have found out where you are.

Shoto: that was the point-

-with class 1A-

Iida: we need to find them!

Momo: under the what? Building? Bridge?

Aizawa: some of us can go. Iida, Bakugo, Kirishima, Momo and Jirou can go check the bridge. Mina, Uraraka, Sero and Tokoyami can check under the building.

-with the kidnapped babies-

Shoto: *humming to Tsuyu trying to calm her down*

Tsuyu: *calming down a little*

Shoto: *smiles to himself*

-with Group B-
-under the building-

Mina: nothing here-

Uraraka: yeah- hopefully the others find them

Sero: Yep-

-with Group A-

Bakugo: Why did they do that?! They did nothing to whoever kidnapped them!!


Momo: uh-

Kirishima: at least they're getting along?

Jirou: we should hurry-

Momo: yeah-

Iida and Bakugo: *run off*

Jirou: ._.

-10 minutes left-

Iida: *kicks open a hatch* GUYS?!

Tsuyu: IIDA?!!

Iida: TSUYU!

Bakugo: KITTY?!

Shoto: PUPPY-!?

Bakugo: *kicks down the door to the room Shoto and Tsuyu are in*

Shoto: thank GoD!!

Iida: Tsuyu!

Tsuyu: *has been crying the entire time*

Iida: *runs over* *breaks them out of whatever they're being held by*

Tsuyu: *hugs Iida tightly*

Iida: it's okay. I've got you. *holds her tightly* *stands up and walks off*

Bakugo and Shoto: *kinda just staring at each other*

Bakugo: you look like shit-

Shoto: why thank you. After being beaten and slapped you usually do.

Bakugo: *tearing up*

Shoto: *opens his arms*

Bakugo: *runs over to him and hugs him*

Shoto: *hugs him back* it's okay. I'm okay.

Bakugo: *punches Shoto's chest gently* you are not okay. Why do you hide everything from everyone?!

Shoto: Let's get out of here before this thing explodes. *holds his hand and walks out of the place*


Tsuyu: *sat curled up in one of Iida's hoodies and a blanket at Iida's house*

Fuyumi: 'the poor baby'

Tensei: ._.

Iida: *walks over and picks up Tsuyu* *walks to his room*

Tsuyu: *leans into him*

Iida: UwU *puts Tsuyu on his bed*

Tsuyu: *tilts her head to the side*

Iida: close your eyes-

Tsuyu: *closes her eyes*

Iida: *changes out of his school uniform into something more comfortable before sitting on his bed* you can open your eyes now.

Tsuyu: *opens her eyes and hugs him*

Iida: *hugs her back*

-time skip-

Tensei: *opens Iida's room door* brother- awww.

Iida: *asleep and layed on his side with his arm around Tsuyu*

Tsuyu: *alseep and snuggled up to Iida's chest*

Tensei: *takes a picture and closes the door*

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