Monoma and Shinso + a tiny bit of TodoBaku

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Vlad King: anyone seen Shinso and Monoma?

Class 1b: no.

Shinso: *walks in holding Monoma's hand*

Vlad King: there you are.

Shinso: Sorry we had to go see someone first.

Vlad King: okay then. Just sit down and we'll get on with the lesson.

Shinso: *sits down at his desk*

Monoma: *sits next to him*

-with Mina and Mic-

Mina: Mic! Mic! Mic!

Mic: yes?

Mina: Monoma and Shinso just came to me and asked me to cover a massive bruise with makeup. What happened?

Mic: well. *insert story here*

Mina: What?! That's terrible!

Mic: indeed. We're doing everything we can-

Aizawa: Expel Enki.

Mic: wha-

Aizawa: ExPeL tHe DiCkhEAd NoW-

Mic: I mean we could.

Aizawa: do it.

Mic: FiNe-


Enki: *leaning on a wall in the corridor*

Mic: *walks over to him* Enki you are expelled.

Enki: what?!

Mic: just leave.

Enki: *storms off*

-with Monoma and Shinso-

Vlad King: *teaching*

Shinso: *not really paying attention*

Some random kid: *throwing stuff in the air and catching it* *accidentally throws it and doesn't catch it and it hits Monoma*

Shinso: fuck-

Monoma: *stands up and walks out of the classroom then runs off*

Shinso: fuck. *stands up and runs after him*

Some random kid: I didn't mean to do that

Vlad King: I know. Monoma is having an off day so don't worry. You're not in trouble.

Some random kid: okay. I hope he is okay.

Vlad King: he will be.

-with Monoma and Shinso-

Monoma: *sat in the corner of a random room*

Shinso: Monoma? *sees him and runs over* Monoma!

Monoma: *hugs Shinso tightly*

Shinso: O-O *hugs him back*

Aizawa: *walks in* you two okay?

Shinso: *shrugs*

Monoma: *shakes his head*

Aizawa: you two can take the week off school. I'm sure your class isn't doing anything interesting.

Shinso: okay. Thanks dad.

Aizawa: you're welcome. *walks off*

Monoma: Just because I'm hugging you doesn't mean I like you-

Shinso: sure.

Monoma: I like you but I don't love you-

Shinso: fair- 'really-? :'('

Monoma: heh. Are you okay? You look upset-

Shinso: I'm fine.

Monoma: no your not.

Shinso: I am. Its okay.

Monoma: okay now tell me the truth-

Shinso: 'ThInK oF sOmEtHiNg-' I'm just worried about if Enki comes back- 'nailed it.'

Monoma: well I'm sure he wont.


Shinso: I just need to talk to my brother-

Monoma: okay.

Shinso: *walks to the other side of the room* Shoto I need help-

Shoto: what's up?

Shinso: 1. Monoma is being too clingy and cute- 2. He said he likes me but he doesn't love me-

Shoto: 1. Hah. 2. Bro had loves you. He is probably just saying that because he is scared of your reaction-

Shinso: okay- I don't believe you tho- *walks back off*

Shoto: *walks into class 1a and hits his head with a book* So fucking stupid.

Katsuki: *yeets over and takes the book away* what-

Shoto: nothing. Nothing-

Overhaul: *yeets in* ShOTo YoUr MoThEr is TrYiNg To KiLl Me-

Shoto: I give up-

Katsuki: *pulls Shoto into a hug*

Shoto: *doesn't do anything. Just stands there*

Class 1a: O-O

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