Tokoyami and his ex. (yes another ex.)

63 2 18

(The song is not mine-)

Tokoyami's ex let's call him Gabriel bc idk: *walks into class 1a*


Aoyama: I cAnT iTs StUcK-

Tokoyami's ex: .....

Aizawa: 'why do I keep getting the dickheads in my class?! I'm just gonna sleep now' *falls asleep*

Tokoyami: *notices Gabriel*

-like 10 minutes later-

Deku: Gabriel this is-

Gabriel: Tokoyami.

Deku: Toko- wait you know each other?

Gabriel: indeed.

Tokoyami: wait who are you again?

Gabriel: you know who I am.

Aoyama: *notices how uncomfortable Tokoyami is* mAy I AsK hOw Do YoU kNoW eAcH oThEr-?

Gabriel: yeah. We used to date-

Tokoyami: key word used.

Aoyama: yoU uSeD tO wHat-

Tokoyami: idiot-

Aoyama: *throws glitter at him* GlItTeRy idiot-

Gabriel: well I don't want to see you.

Aoyama: 'hE iS gOnNa SiNg!'

Tokoyami: if you don't want to see me.

Did a full 180. Crazy thinking 'bout the way I was. Did the heartbreak change me? Maybe. But look at where I ended up. I'm all good already. So moved on its scary. I'm not where you left me at all. So,

If you don't want to see me dancing with somebody. If you want to believe that anything can stop me.

Don't show up. Don't come out. Don't start caring about me now. Walk away. You know how. Don't start caring about me now.

Aren't you that guy who tried to hurt me with the word goodbye? Though it took some time to survive you I'm better on the other side. I'm all good already so moved on it's scary. I'm not where you left me at all. So,

Aoyama: *spins Tokoyami bc he can*

Tokoyami: 'O///O' If you don't want to see me dancing with somebody. If you want to believe anyone can stop me.

Don't show up. Don't come out. Don't start caring about me now. Walk away you know how. Don't start caring about me now.

Gabriel: Ugh! *punches Tokoyami in the stomach before leaving*

Tokoyami: *stumbles backwards and doubles over in pain*

Aoyama: Tokoyami! *runs to him*

Deku: O-O

Aoyama: Tokoyami you okay?! 

Tokoyami: *shakes his head and grabs Aoyama's shoulder to keep balance*

Aoyama: we're going to recovery girl right now. *carefully walks off to recovery girl with Tokoyami*

MHA stuff.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin