Shoto's breakdown.

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Shoto: *doing homework at his house*

Katsuki: *sat opposite Shoto* *doing his homework which is slightly different*

-there is a knock at the door-

Shoto: *goes and answers the door* *closes the door* *walks back over*

Katsuki: anyone inter- wait are you crying?!

Shoto: no. *wipes the falling tears*

Katsuki: you're a terrible liar.

Shoto: I mean- sometimes.

Katsuki: who was it?

Shoto: Deku and his boyfriend.

Katsuki: he has a new boyfriend already?!

Shoto: no. He has been with him for ages. He was cheating on me.

Katsuki: *angry pomeranian boi* *puts his homework down* *stands up*

-someone knocks on the door again-

Shoto: *goes to answer it* *closes the door and screams* *sending ice and flames flying*

Katsuki: Oh my god- *runs to Shoto avoiding the ice and the flames* *kneels down next to Shoto* I cant believe I'm doing this. *hugs Shoto*

Shoto: *finally in an embrace where he feels loved*

Katsuki: Todoroki let the emotions you've been keeping hidden out. Trust me it helps.

Shoto: *nods and breaks down crying in Katsuki's arms*

Katsuki: *heart breaks at the sight of the dude he looks up to crying. The guy who never shows emotion.* *picks up Shoto and walks to the living room* *sits down on the couch and puts Shoto on his lap* *holding Shoto close*

Shoto: *crying and getting Katsuki's shirt wet from his tears*

-30 minutes later-

Shoto: *breathing heavily*

Katsuki: better?

Shoto: better. *relaxes in Katsuki's arms*

Katsuki: told you it would feel better letting your emotions out. We can finish the homework tomorrow. We have the whole weekend anyway.

Shoto: *nods*

Katsuki: go to sleep. I'm not going anywhere.

Shoto: okay. *falls asleep*

(Then the portal from the last chapter appears. Magical I know)

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