Future Todoroki and Future Tsuyu-

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(And yes I erased their memories-)

Future Todoroki and Future Tsuyu: *fall through a portal* *land in class 1a unconscious*

Bakugo: huh-

Iida: is that future us Tsuyu and Shoto-

Momo: who knows. Anyway let's get them to recovery girl.

Iida: yeah- *picks them up and walks to recovery girl*

Recovery girl: ._. Wtf-

Iida: they kinda just crashed into the class room.

Recovery girl: okay. *put them on the beds.

Iida: *puts them down*

Recovery girl: go back to your class I'll call you if anything changes.

Iida: okay- *runs off*


Midnight: *runs into the classroom* Soooooooooooooo important information they're awake-

Aizawa: they are?

Midnight: yes- another important information- I changed Tsuyu out of her hero costume-

Aizawa: so it is Tsuyu.

Midnight: StOp InTeRuPiNG mE- anyway Tsuyu's costume had gloves and I took the gloves off and well Tsuyu is married-

Kirishima: oop- *looks at Iida*

Iida: DoNt LoOk At Me-

Future Iida and Future Bakugo: *walk through the portal*

Future Iida: Well Shit-

Future Bakugo: Small KiRiShImA!!!

Kirishima: ._.

Future Iida: we aren't here to see younger us-

Future Bakugo: Who cares- anyway Hello small Iida-

Iida: ._.

Future Iida: he ain't small.

Future Bakugo: shut up- *turns to Mina* Mina have you seen a Tsuyu and a Shoto come here.

Mina: yeah- they came through a portal both of them were unconscious.

Future Bakugo: Fuck-

Future Iida: *rolls his eyes* let's just go find them.

Future Bakugo: yeah.

Kaminari: wait wait wait.

Everyone: *looks at him*

Kaminari: one Future Bakugo is wearing Todoroki merch-

Future Bakugo: ._.

Kaminari: seCoNd Future Iida has a ring on his finger-

Future Iida: :|

Future Bakugo: I mean he is married-

Past Class 1a: O-O

Kirishima: Future Tsuyu is married are they-

Future Bakugo: Yes-

Iida: *goes red*

Future Iida: We weren't meant to tell them that-

Future Bakugo: they're gonna find out anyway.

Future Iida: let's just find my wife and Shoto- *pulls Future Bakugo away*

-after a few minutes-

Recovery girl: *walks into the classroom* so they all just disappeared-

Meh: *wipes everyone's memory of Iida and Tsuyu getting married*

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