Endeavor being a good dad + OverHawks

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Dabi: *asleep on the couch* *having a nightmare*

Endeavor: Dabi? *shakes him gently* Dabi?!

Dabi: *wakes up* dad-

Endeavor: 'he called me dad' yeah that's me. You okay?

Dabi: I just had a nightmare. Where is Shiggy and Enji?

Endeavor: they went out while you slept. I can call them if you want-

Dabi: no. *hugs Endeavor*

Endeavor: *hesitantly hugs back*


Fuyumi: *crying*

Endeavor: *runs over* What's wrong?

Fuyumi: Tensei.

Endeavor: what happened to him?

Fuyumi: they're not sure but he is back in hospital because he blacked out.

Endeavor: oh- I can take you to the hospital if you would like-

Fuyumi: please.

Endeavor: let's go.

Endeavor and Fuyumi: *walk hand in hand to the car*


Natsuo: *runs and falls over before sliding on his back into a wall* Ow!

Endeavor: you okay?!

Natsuo: no- *tears up*

Endeavor: *runs over* oh god. I'll help you. It's okay. Take deep breaths for me. *picks up Natsuo and walks into Natsuo's bed room* *puts Natsuo down and walks off & comes back with stuff*

Natsuo: *crying*

Endeavor: hey it's okay. Nothings broken and nothings bleeding. It may hurt but you can get through this.

Natsuo: yeah!

Endeavor: yes.


Endeavor: you okay? You've been awfully quiet. I know you're quiet but you've been more quiet.

Shoto: I'm fine. Just thinking about what Chad said today to me-

Endeavor: Chad- oh nevermind. I remember. What did he say?

Shoto: I don't think I should tell you-

Endeavor: why?

Shoto: because you will get mad.

Endeavor: tell me.

Shoto: fine. He said *insert some mean shit here*

Endeavor: one second you stay here. *walks off and finds Chad* Hey you.

Chad: me?

Endeavor: yes you.

Chad: what?

Endeavor: leave my son alone or I'll kill you.

Chad: O-O o-okay-

Endeavor: good. *walks back to Shoto* well you should ignore him. What he said isn't true.

Shoto: thanks. You're the best, dad. *hugs Endeavor before walking off to his room*

-later once everyone had gone to bed-

Endeavor: *calls Hawks*

Hawks: *answers* Hello?

Endeavor: Hi! I just had the best day ever.

Hawks: how so?

Endeavor: *tells Hawks about how he helped his children and they all said they loved him and how they all called him dad*

Hawks: *smiles* that's amazing.

Endeavor: yep! I'll let you sleep now as its getting late. See you at training tomorrow.

Hawks: see ya later. *hangs up*

Endeavor: *smiles to himself*

-with Hawks-

Overhaul: who was it?

Hawks: Endeavor.

Overhaul: what did he want?

Hawks: he was telling me about his day.

Overhaul: nice. Now come to bed!

Hawks: *giggles* chill. *flops on the bed*

Overhaul: *smiles*

Hawks: *smiles back* *hugs Overhaul and wraps his wings around Overhaul*

Overhaul: *giggles*

Hawks: UvU

Overhaul: *kisses Hawks' cheek*

Hawks: U////v////U

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