Iida and Tsuyu + the stoopid ex

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Tsuyu: *asleep with her head on Iida's lap*

Iida: *very protective boi*

Bakugo: *sits on the floor infront of them instead of moving Tsuyu*

(So Bakugo, Momo and Shoto also know about Tsuyu's ex-)

Momo: Hows Tsuyu?

Iida: asleep.

Momo: fair.

Iida: indeed.


Aizawa: new seating plan bc I said so. *basically sits the ships together* 'I am the best teacher' we have a new student.

Stoopid ex: *walks in*

Tsuyu: *hides her face in a book*

Iida: you okay?

Tsuyu: no-


Aizawa: *asleep*

Stoopid Ex: Oh Asui didn't see you when I walked in.

Tsuyu: nope- not today. Go away.

Iida: What's wrong-?

Momo: yeah- you usually like people-

Tsuyu: why would I like someone who decided to fuck me when we were 16?

Class 1a: What?!

Bakugo: so this is guy?!

Iida: Oh so this is him.

Shoto: Puppy I think we should let Iida kill him-

Bakugo: fair enough. If Iida kills him I get to protect Tsuyu.

Shoto: fair enough.

Tsuyu: *hugs Momo*

Iida: *walks off with Bakugo to kill the ex*

-like 5 minutes later-

Bakugo: He dead.

Iida: indeed. *hugs Tsuyu* my poor froggo.

Tsuyu: *hugs him back*

Kirishima: I demand babies- when you are older- not now.

Iida: whAt-

Tsuyu: *giggles*

Momo: heh.

Aizawa: *wakes up* Okay the dickhead is gone.

Jirou: you knew-?

Aizawa: yeah- I wanted him dead and Allmight wouldn't kill him so I thought I'd let you do it.

Bakugo: fair enough-

Aizawa: Yes.

Tsuyu: *hugs Aizawa*

Aizawa: o-o *hugs her back*

Tsuyu: UwU *walks back and hugs Iida*

Aizawa: :]

Mic: *pushes Eri and Shinso into the room*

Shinso: Sooooooooooooooooooooooo Mic wants a family hug-

Monoma: *walks in behind him* idk why I followed you-

Shinso: bc you feel sorry for me-

Aizawa: heh. *picks up Eri*

Mic: ShOtO gEt HeRe AnD jOiN tHe FaMiLy HuG-

Shinso: Brother help me-

Shoto: uhhhhh if I walk over Mic is gonna hug me-

Class 1a: Wait- brothers-?

Monoma: you lot are stupid-

(So ya Mic got his family hug-)

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