After training with Endeavor and Hawks.

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Hawks: Can I?!

Endeavor: No.

Hawks: PlEaSe!!!

Endeavor: no.

Hawks: I'll sit on your head.

Endeavor: *sighs* fine. *puts his arm out*

Hawks: *:D* *flies and lands on Endeavor's arm*

Endeavor: it's like having a pet hawk.

Hawks: hehe. UvU

Endeavor: heh. *gently strokes one of Hawks' wings*

Hawks: 'I was not expecting him to do that-'

Endeavor: your wings are soft.

Hawks: thank chu!!

Endeavor: heh.

Hawks: what do you see me as? Like a brother? A friend-

Endeavor: a son.

Hawks: OoO you do?!

Endeavor: yep.

Hawks: well my parents were assholes-

Endeavor: I was an asshole-

Hawks: key word was. You are redeeming yourself.

Meh: *appears* HaWkS

Hawks: Yus parent?

(Yes I adopted Hawks. Fight me.)

Meh: *Pats his head* oki bai. *dissapears*

Hawks: UwU

Endeavor: okay- you just gonna stay on my arm-?

Hawks: Yep!!

Endeavor: okay. *walks out of the training centre* I need to go shopping so you have to get down-

Hawks: fine. *gets down*

-like 5 minutes later-

Hawks: Enji can I borrow a £1/$1

Endeavor: sure-? *gives him da money*

-time skip-

Endeavor: *waiting for Hawks to come back*

Hawks: *yeets over* UvU

Endeavor: what did you do?

Hawks: tell you later.

Endeavor: okay- *puts his arm up again*

Hawks: *gasps* *flies up and lands on his arm*

Endeavor: heh.

-time skip-
-at the Todoroki house-

Hawks: Enji I got something for you.

Endeavor: you did?

Hawks: yep!! Close your eyes!!

Endeavor: I swear if this is some stupid shit. *closes his eyes*

Hawks: *gives him a box* *inside the box be a Hawks action figure* *giggles* open your eyes.

Endeavor: *opens his eyes and looks at it* *giggles*

Hawks: I got myself the Endeavor one! *holds it up*

Endeavor: *smiles* *Messes up Hawks' hair*

Hawks: *gasps*

(And they were idiots girbthe rest of the day.

Again this is not a ship.

I ship OverHawks.

I don't ship Endeavor with anyone at the moment.)

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