Shoto and Monona in a dress

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Eri: *yeets into class 1a* Hi brother.

Shinso: Hello.

Aizawa: is something wrong?

Eri: no! I just want yall to see something. You two can come in now.

Monoma: nO

Shoto: *pushes Monoma in* there we go.

Katsuki: *chokes on the air*

Shinso: O///O

Aoyama: *whispers to Shinso* you like-

Shinso: *smacks him* stfu.

Monoma: why did I agree to this?

Shoto: because we look fabulous.

Monoma: I can't argue with that-

Shoto: yes.

Tokoyami: my best friend looks fabulous.

Shoto: thank you.

Natsuo: My BrOtHeR iS sO bEaUtIfUl-

Shoto: when did you get here-

Natsuo: you don't need to know that. Anyway you look beautiful.

Shoto: thank you. Is it weird I have more confidence in this then in my school uniform-

Monoma: slightly yeah.

Shoto: heh. Dresses are cool.

Toga: indeed. I'm not wearing a dress tho- dresses make me look pretty.

Natsuo: you don't need dresses to look pretty.

Toga: U///U

Shoto: go do cute couple shiz somewhere else.

Natsuo: okay we will. *picks up Toga and walks off*

Eri: *runs off to find Mic*

Monoma: Shoto-

Shoto: yes?

Monoma: I see what you mean by feeling more confident in dresses then the school uniform-

Shoto: good.

Aoyama: *pushes Shinso to Monoma*

Shinso: 'hello darkness my old friend-'

Monoma: is it sad I didn't notice you-

Shinso: Yes. Very sad.

Aoyama: hah.

Shinso: you look nice-

Monoma: thanks-

Shoto: just fucking date already-

Monoma and Shinso: Shoto stfu right now-


Some bitch: Shinso do you like my dress?

Shinso: its beautiful.

Some bitch: you really think so?

Shinso: no. I just didn't want to hurt your feelings-

Some bitch: oh- do I look pretty?

Shinso: yes.

Some bitch: really?

Shinso: yeah but I'm really into blonds see ya. *walks over to Monoma. Picks Monoma up and walks off*

Monoma: O////O

Some bitch: Ugh. *runs to her mother* mom I need to dye my hair blond.

-with Shoto-

Shoto: *falls*

Dabi: *catches him* Hola.

Shoto: Hey- what are you doing here?

Dabi: not much. You look nice.

Shoto: thank you.

Kirishima: Dabi-

Kaminari: it looks like you are about to dance.

Shoto and Dabi: I mean- *look at each other and start waltzing*

Kaminari: O-O

Kirishima: I can't dance like that-

Kaminari: well they can-

Mina: Todoroki can do many different dances. He literally has dancing classes and he looks like a God everytime he goes- I'm taking Bakuhoe next time so I can let him see.

Sero: -_-

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