Funniest Flight attendants.

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Toga: I'm bet I'm funnier than you

Natsuo: no way.

Toga: yes.

Natsuo: bet?

Toga: sure. If I win you buy me icecream if you win I buy you icecream?

Natsuo: oki.

-with Toga on a plane-

Toga: alright ladies and gentlemen. Let's see who was paying attention. Go ahead and POINT to where the oxygen masks is going to come from. That's awesome three of you are going to get oxygen. Okay. Thaaaattttssss perfect. The rest of you when you've done screaming, okay, I need you to let go of your neighbour and grab that mask. You're going to place it over your nose and mouth. You're going to look at each other and say out left.

Half of the plane: *laughing*

Toga: no. You're going to breathe normally. Normal breathing in and emergency. Who writes this stuff? You're going to breathe as normally as you possibly can. They want you to assist yourself first then a child travelling with you. Ladies listen to me! A CHILD travelling with you! The come in many different shapes and sizes!!

About ⅘ of the plane: *laughing*

Toga: do you hear me? If you have more than one of the Child travelling with you assess your situation. Who's it gonna be. You can't help everybody!! So yall are going to have to decide. I mean pick your favourite you know you've got one. Probably don't want to tell them- but children if you did not do your homework last week I don't think you'll be getting that mask-

Children who didn't do their homework: O-O

Toga: not a good thing. Alright we can not just make a flight turn into a cruise boat. If we did I wouldn't have worn this! I would've worn a bathing suit! Alright but if it happens. Where's the life vest?

Someone: underneath-

Toga: underneath the seat infront of you. Right. So whoever didn't get that mask just give them a life vest maybe they'll be okay- alright you can not smoke on board but don't worry if yall need to smoke step out on the wing-

Everyone: O-O

Toga: if you can light it we'll let you smoke it.

Everyone: *laughing*

Toga: we're very accommodating here at Spirit. Very accommodating. Just step right outside. The rest of yall are going to get something for free. So you didn't think this was going to happen. The minute they step out. In flight movie. Gone with the wind.

Everyone: *laughing even harder*

Toga: 'UwU' just watch them. Step on out there gate flight attendant compact is this little blue button right here. You push it and it goes ding. Usually one of us would show up. Yeah, no. Look at the time! Don't touch that button!!

⅗ of the people: *laughing*

Toga: you do not need me at this time! You all just need to go night night termite and when we land in Vegas someone will let you know. We will not let you miss it. 2 hours and 50. Five. Zero. Minutes. Almost 3 hours. Go. To. Sleep.

Everyone: *laughing*

Toga: If you push this button. Yall don't get confused you're on Spirit. Whatever hand you use to push that button you better have a credit card in the other hand.

People: *laughing*

Toga: don't get confused. You can't break anything on this plane okay? They told you don't break anything. Don't disable anything! Let's face it. If you could pay for something you broke on this baby. Ya'll be flying delta first class. You wouldn't be here. So don't break anything. Alright no seriously folks. We will serve you up until we are on the final descendants to Vegas. So party up have a great time. Do whatever you need to do. *turns the lights off* I will leave the lights off for those of you that don't want to party and wanna try and go to sleep. But you're on a Vegas flight good look with that.

Most of the people: *laughing*

Toga: oh my lord. And we do folks. We do apologise for the delay. We're happy to see you here. Welcome aboard.

Someone: Woooo!

Everyone: *applauds*

Some guy: *throws a flower*

Natsuo: 'that's my girlfriend fuck off.'

Toga: why thank you. Thank you very much! Next show is tomorrow. *smiles and walks off* *gets off the plane and runs over to Natsuo*

Natsuo: you look pretty.

Toga: thank you! Now go beat that.

Natsuo: I will!

-with Natsuo on a plane-

Natsuo: if you do decide to leave you will not be allowed access back on board and parachutes are not included. Here at frontier airlines we like to keep up with all the fashion trends. In the event that this flight becomes a cruise. All of your lucky people get get your own. Itsy, bitsy, teenie-weenie yellow polka-dot bikinis beneath your seat.

Some woman: Woohoo!

Natsuo: minus the the itsy bitsy teenie-weenie and it has no polka dots- once your outside the aircraft pull down sharply on the red tab that's on the front. Or for those of you who looooove to make life difficult. You can blow into that red tube near your shoulder to blow- I-I mean inflate-

People: *laughing*

Natsuo: the beautiful bikini is equipped with a water activated light. How in the world that works I have no idea so if you figure it out please do let me know- and if by chance yours does not inflate well grab your neighbour and hold on for dear life.

Everyone: *laughing*

Natsuo: the location and use of the life vests for your child that shows the most potential is located in that safety information card. If needed due to a loss of cabin pressure 4 oxygen masks will drop from the compartment over your head. Ignore those and grab your nearest flight attendant to get some air-

Toga: O/////O

Everyone: *laughing*

Natsuo: I'm just kidding. I'm so lonely.

People: *laughing*

Toga: 'boi-'

Natsuo: once you stop screaming place that mask over your nose and your mouth. To adjust pull on the elastic tabs either side make sure to adjust your own mask before assisting your favourite child, another passenger or your husband who is definitely screaming louder than you are.

The women who are married to men: *laughing*

Natsuo: and let's be honest only those who paid the extra 49.99 get any oxygen. Smoking of any kind is NOT allowed on this aircraft. Unless you're like me and you're smoking hot.

Everyone: *laughing*

Some women: YEAHHH!

Toga: 'back off BiTcH'

Natsuo: thank you so much for your attention. Sit back, relax and enjoy your flight and for those of you who didn't give me your full attention good luck.

Everyone: *laughing and applauding*

Natsuo: *gets off the plane* I won-

Toga: no you didn't shut up.

Natsuo: Yes I did.

Toga: *rolls her eyes* you look nice in the uniform.

Natsuo: thank you.

Toga: *giggles* *grabs Natsuo's collar and kisses him*

Natsuo: *kisses back*

(That was 1171 words-^)

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