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 This is not an update, for some reason, I won't be updating Sunflower until September 30. Some of you may know why, PLDT will be in a 4-day maintenance starting tomorrow (Saturday). So I won't be able to update for the meantime. But I'll continue writing the remaining parts and I'll introduce a new story after the maintenance. Also, I'll try my hardest to finish the story before the 2nd of October because I'm pretty sure the update will be every week since classes are coming up and I've got a very exhausting schedule. I hope you understand. I couldn't post the part 15 since I'm still stuck writing it.

Spoiler: Part 16 will be the last part, followed by the ending. I don't know if I'll add some special parts so stay tuned.


 "What I'm saying is, there's no cure other than the one I said earlier. All we can do for him," He pointed his index to the sleeping pudding head, "Is to give everything he wants." Shirabu explained without showing any emotion in his face.

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