Each one of them holding a similar clear box with a little pillow holding a large sized red gem. Fuck, how do we know which one is the right one? The only difference between the boxes were the pillows. All were different colors with different patterns.

There were five men in total and five gems. Only one of them was the real one. I watched as the men put every box into their own sealed compartment. Who's idea was it to steal this thing?! Why is this ruby so sought after anyway? I shook away my thoughts and hopped into the bus.

The engine roared to life and down the road we went.

"The uh.. weather." I swallowed as all 15 of their eyes set on me "it's nice..right..?"


"It's nice..right..?" I heard Alex say over the mic. We are screwed.

"Guys he's on the bus let's go." I said through the ear piece to everyone. We were all driving sleek black BMW i8's with extremely dark tint so that no one could see us. We were currently on the highway driving side by side. I sent the tracker to everyone's phone so they knew where to go.

I was in the middle, Lia on my left, and Kaden on my right. The bus was about to merge onto the road in front of us.

"Get ready."

"What's the plan?" Lia responded to me.


"You two are gonna fork off and cage the bus in, and I'm gonna go up the back. Alex when I say go I want you to back away from the door, we are gonna throw sticky bombs on the side and back. This could go very wrong so try to put them away from any fuel tanks." The both replied with got it.

"It's merging in. Lia Kaden, go." They did as I said. I watched them speed off to catch up with the large bus to cage it in. I sped up to come behind it. We followed it till it forked off onto a road with rocky type terrain.

"Bomb it!" Pushing the gas with my foot and holding the wheel with one hand, I rolled the window down and stuck my arm out throwing the bomb as hard as I could so that it stuck. We had 5 seconds to move. The bombs weren't super deadly. They were enough to throw the bus off course and to shake them up a bit.

"Hang back! Alex move now!" We all hit the brakes just in time for bombs to go off. The back door flew off giving us access to see and shoot inside.

"Light it up."

Daytona diner

The diner was filled with families laughing and enjoying their time time together. Nothing could wipe away their smiles.

"Another coffee, sir?" The young server asked the old man who was engrossed in the tv playing reruns of 'I love Lucy' he turned his attention to the woman.

"No, I'm good darling. Thank you though." He gave her a small smile and turned his attention back to the TV.

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking new. Three black vehicles have been seen attacking the vehicle carrying the Blood Ruby." Everyone in the place turned there attention to the TV. One man yelled turn it up and the young server scrambled to turn the volume up. "We are unsure if this is a terrorist attack at the moment, more news later." The screen turned to the live footage from a helicopter flying above.

Panic quickly set into everyone in the city. Numbers were dialed and texts were sent. The unknown was truly terrifying.

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