Chapter 29

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POV ~ KFC Hoarder

"We got what we came for, lets go!" I yell to the pro heroes, they all nod and go back to where ever they came from. I spread out my wings and flew myself and Izuku back to UA.

Once we get there Izu breaks down in tears and I run off to find the nearest punching bag, which happens to be a certain boy who can harden himself. While me, a boy named Kirishima and Bakugo (I got his name from Izu on the flight back from All Mights agency, he needed a distraction so I told him to talk about things he likes) 'training' I learned that both of them wanted to get into UA and were able to train here since Bakugo knew Izu and Nezu was determined to get them to be friends again. After around ten minutes of me attacking Kirishima I decided  to ask them, "So when did you to become friends?"

After a small pause Bakugo spoke up, "It was after Izu went missing, he joined our school and helped me get to terms that Izu was 'dead'. He helped me grieve, never judged me and, well, was my one true friend in the world. Anyway, why do you wanna know, bird brain?!" Bird brain? Who does this kid think he is!

"Ha. Let's see who's the Bird Brain after we fight." I can tell I have intimidated him becuase he is clearly scared but I never in a million years imagined he would agree to it?!

"Round one!"

"This isnt some sort of boxing match, sh*tty hair. Tch." I see them both exchange a laugh as I send a feather flying towards him. He uses his explosions to both dodge the attack whilst also burning my feather. "So you feathers can burn, this is gonna be to easy." He comes running straight towards me, clearly aiming for my wings, and as soon as he let's out an explosion I somersault over him and land so I have a clear shot of his back, I aim for his pressure point with numerous feathers holding him in place so he cant move.

"Well, you're right this was easy, thanks for helping me let off some steam, but I should really head back to Izu..." I completely forgot about him, we were so busy training and I was so focused I forgot about him. I need to train with him one day...

"Izuku's here?!" They yell at the same time, which kinda freaks me out if I'm being honest.

"Yes, me and him just got back from a flight."

"Can I meet him? I've heard he's so manly!"

"I dont think Deku wants to see me."

"I agree Bakugo. Kirishima, you seem nice enough lets go!" Its worth it just to see the look on Bakugo's face. It was a mixture of pure hatred, shock and I think I see a  snarl. You deserve much worse then that for what you did to Izu.

"Awesome, I'll see you later Bakubro!"

"Bye sh*tty hair! Dont forget we have to study tonight!" Ha, hes so annoyed at me.

"I wont, bye!"

We walked down the corridor until we got to Nezus office. I knock on the door and walk in. "Hey Nezu! Wheres Izu at? I have someone who wants to meet him."

"Hm?" Nezu looks up from his numerous stacks of papers, "Oh hello Hawks! This must be your personal punching bag! What's your name, young man."

"Hello, sir. My name is Ejiro Kirishima! And what do you mean by personal punching bag?" Oh no, welp I guess I will just have to buy a real one now.

"Well it is clear that he wanted to take his anger out on something, and I see that bruise on your arm showing you tried to block an attack. So either you and another person were training and K-Hawks joined in, Hawks just used you as a punching bag or you happened to run into each other but I think that last one can be ruled out becuase you wouldn't bring a perfectly fine boy to me. Which is it?"

"It was the first one sir-"

"Just call me Nezu!" Wow I never knew someone could be so cheerful and terrifying at the same time

"Ok Nezu, it was the first thing you said. Me and Bakubro were doing some training and Hawks found us. Also you could have ruled out the second one because if he was using me as a punching bag I would be bleeding a lot right now."

"Okay... Hawks may I speak to you in private? Kirishima, I will have Cementos escort you to Izu... I mean Izuku."

"Thank you s- Nezu!"

After Kirishima had left, me and Nezu got talking about what happened and why Izu was crying. "I am going to juhhxndjn."

"What was that last part?"

"Hmm? Oh nothing. Dont worry about it!"

"K... So anyway, what do you think of him?"

"Kirishima?" I nod my head to him, "We certainly have a group of talented individuals this year and I cant wait to teach that boy. But we should focus on your training for now..."

Time skip ~ start of the school year

"Okay, I think you are all ready to become heros again, except All Might, so here are your liecences back!" Finally Nezu has given us our licences back, took him long enough.

(Thank you for reading the twenty ninth part of my first story. Sorry it's short again but my sleep schedule is practically non existent so I am really tired. Please let me know if you want me to do a single sum up of what happened during the hero trainingin one small section

Or have flashbacks throughout.

I hope to see you in the comments Love you <3

Words used 982

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