Chapter 55

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A pure arch stood at the head of the ceremony, adorned with pearly roses, achromatic anemones centered with a voided pistil and calla lilies tinted with the lightest shade of yellow, the distinct contrasts highlighted the heart of this particular wedding. Following the decorated entry way, rows upon rows of chairs unfolded before the stage where the soon to be weds would stand, a laced yellow cloth covered the monochrome seats and, sat still in anticipation, a myriad of guests wore suits of onyx with snakes of yellow slithering up the jacket or dresses made of gold with black lace netting the bottom. This blessed occasion had granted a day where sakura petals rained down from the heavens and brilliant sunlight shines amid infinite hues of white, the clouds ruffling in ripples. 

Wearing a dress that was styled for a 5 year old, the detective started the ceremony, a basket of petals hung from his arms and every now and then a handful would be thrown towards the guests. Two top ten heroes escorted him, the Rabbit Hero: Mirko on one side, and the Wing Hero: Hawks on the other. A trail of petals adorned the path, as the three were going to sit in their seats, a boy with vibrant green hair followed holding a pillow where two golden bands lay, waiting to be worn by their soon-to-be owners as a way to signify their love, he directed an almost unseen smile towards a shocking boy in the sea of people and waited at the top with the wedding officiant.

Keys softly played, a melody known to all there, a man stood at the top with a rat?, mouse?, dog? animal next to him. Step, step, step, he wore his dark hair down and for the first time in his life it was washed, styled and worthy of a groom. The outfit vastly contrasted his usual style, his grey tie and black shirt was drowned out by his yellow suit which had white music notes littered across it no doubt chosen by the man he is to marry, but despite his clear dislike for the clothes a smile still found it's way to his face. Once at the alter he greets his son with a small nod and the music changes.

A choir of 1-A students led by the Smile Hero: Ms. Joke appears near the grand piano, shocking those poor unsuspecting souls. Another melody starts up and once again people know it but they are unaware as to where it is from. The second groom steps out with the R-Rated Hero: Midnight by his side, wearing a modest dress that went down to her knees. He wore the contrasting suit to his fiance; a yellow shirt and tie with music notes and a black suit with grey details. His hair was half up in a bun and the rest was down. 

The pair looked towards the piano and sweet grins plastered on their faces, the choir began their ballad, "Sawarasenai kimi wa shojo na no?" before being quickly shut down by the dark-haired groom who gave them a stare intense enough to send them back to wherever they appeared from. The pianist got the message and began to play 'Romantic Flight' by John Powell. After the minor disturbance orchestrated by the blonde's best woman, the groom stepped down the aisle reaching the love of his life. Holding his gaze, the two mirrored each others radiant smiles as if they were experiencing pure joy for the first time.
"Hey Shota"
" Glad to see you could make it Hizashi"

The wedding officiant states, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these men matrimony."

" Aizawa Shōta, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

Shota answers, "I do."

"Yamada Hizashi, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

Hizashi answers, "I do."

"Repeat after me."

 "I, Aizawa Shōta, take you Yamada Hizashi, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

Without hesitation, Shota repeats word for word, not breaking eye contact for a second.

"I, Yamada Hizashi, take you Aizawa Shōta, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

Again, Hizashi repeats smiling through his words.

The officiant asks Shota to place the ring on Hizashi's finger and to repeat the following, "I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love."

Shota picks up the golden band, on the inside there is inscribed 'To my love' with the infinity symbol next to it. "I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love".

The man opposite accepts the ring and repeats the actions only this time the inscription reads "To my insomniac, I love you forever." with hearts surrounding the text.

Both men have a red tint in their cheeks as they are asked to join hands and the officiant declares, "Aizawa Shōta and Yamada Hizashi, we have heard your promise to share your lives in marriage. We recognize and respect the covenant you have made here this day before each one of us as witnesses. Therefore in the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done here today and by the power vested in me, it is my honour and delight to declare you married and partners in life...for life."

"You may now kiss the groom"

And that is just what they did, an applause erupted in the audience and they parted when a certain pair of idiots started a howl of wolf whistles from their seats in the audience. After a quick gaze in each others eyes with a large smile, the husbands turned and acknowledged their friends, family, co-workers. Their final song started and they each picked a flower of their choosing to place in the others hair.

Grinning like school boys, the two now husbands swore they saw a glimpse of purple mist with what looks like tears running down it, the figure looked painfully familiar and reminds them of an old friend long gone. However in the next second the mist had vanished and so they decided nothing could ruin this day. Holding each other hand in hand, Hizashi begins dragging Shota back down the isle, breaking into a run when they are halfway down to reach their vintage Chevrolet Truck where they drove away for the afternoon to who knows where and enjoyed each others company.

Later in the evening a gathering was held for the newly weds, a beautiful venue for friends to celebrate and have fun. There was drunk hero shenanigans and a night of freedom for our lightning child and broccoli boy, but that can be a story for another day. All that is needed to be said is that no matter what happens from now on they will always have each other and no villains can break their happy ever after for long.

(A/N Finally finished, after like 3 years of incoherent writing this fic has come to a conclusion. I doubt I will be writing again so I hope you have enjoyed my one and only work, thank you for reading and commenting I have enjoyed speaking and sharing my ideas. See you around, love you all <3)

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