Chapter 15

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POV ~ Whip Bish

As the boys were getting ready in the bathroom I decided to look at Izu's notes on me incase there were any costume ideas, because there have been an awful lot of complaints and I don't want to be the reason another hero costume rule comes in. As I flipped onto my page I noticed the words were in random irregular places, I looked at some other heros as well and the word placing changed each time. I decided taking some photos and taking them to Nezu later. When I heard the bathroom door open, I rushed over to Izu's wardrobe and started looking through the clothes, a few seconds later Izu walks in and asks me "What are you doing, Miss Midnight?."

"I was just checking to see what I shouldn't get since you dont like these clothes, and also please call me Auntie Midnight." I then turn around and say "I will be waiting for you boys in the kitchen." He nods his head and I walk off, phew that was too close. I decide to call Nezu and ask him what he thinks of this.

Ring, Ring. Ring, Ring. Ring.

N - "Hello there Midnight what can I help you with?!" He says in his usual cheery voice

M - Well you know that kid Aizawa adopted from the LOV raid...

N - Yes, why? Has something happened to him! Wait is Nezu worried about him? I guess everyone cares for this boy now.

M -Dont worry he's fine, I just found something strange in his notebook, is all.

N - What is it?

M - Its the way he has positioned his writing, I cant help but wonder if there is maybe a secret message.

N - Do you have any pictures?

M - Yes a few, I can send them over if you want?

N - Yes! I mean that would be wonderful.

M - (In the background) Auntie Midnight, we're ready!

N - I guess you had best be off then. I will call you if I figure anything out.

And with that he hangs up the phone and I direct my attention to the boys, Shoto, Dabi and Izu, Natsuo had to get back to college, Fuyumi doesn't like shopping and Rei had to get back to the hospital. "Ready?" They look at each other then nod their heads in unison. Well that's a first, " Well then let's go to the car!" They start speeding toward the car only to find Mic in the front already and a sign on the drivers seat saying do you have a driving license? No, I didn't think so. I slowly walk toward them and ask, "Who's getting in first?" Slowly, Shoto raises his hand and opens the door, successfully putting on his seatbelt. One down, two to go.

Next Dabi climbs in also able to out his seatbelt on but finally, Izu's turn. He's about to get in when he asks me, "Wheres my car seat?" When was the last time this child was in a car?

"Um, Izu, your too old for a carseat now you get to wear a normal seatbelt like a big boy." I don't know why but at the end I spoke as if he was a baby.

"O-oh okay then. Can you please put it on for me?" Aww hes using puppy dog eyes. How could I say no to that?

"Of course Izu."

At the Mall

"Okay then, important question. Who has been to a mall before?" They all shake their heads and I swear I did that face Aizawa does when he wants to face palm. "Hmm so some basic rules, don't talk to strangers, don't walk off, stay close to each other. Actually I would feel better if we held hands. And finally dont take anything out of the shop until we have played other wise we could be arrested for shoplifting. I think those are the basic rules. Not that I ever foll..." I forgot there were kids here I better set a good example, "Let's go inside then!" Shoto and Dabi got out of the car with ease yet Izu needed some help.

"Auntie Midnight, I'm trapped the seatbelt isnt coming off. I'm stuck, I'm stuck, I'm stuck!"

"Don't worry Izu your not stuck you just for got to press the button down." I quickly show him how you take the seatbelt off and he jumps out of the car. Before stopping and looking at a boy with ash blonde hair and crimson eyes, he hadn't noticed Izu yet so I grapped him and shotos hands and walked into the mall. Mic was hold Izus other hand as well as Dabi's.

"Will you let go Uncle Mic. I'm not a child anymore I understand things." I can see Mic tense up and then let go, "Took ya long enough."

All of a sudden the blonde haired boy from earlier screemed at the top of his lungs, "Deku!" I see Izu turn around and tense up before running into the nearest store, which happened to be a clothes store. I searched for Izu for about minute, until I found him in the boys pyjamas section, hiding behind a fluffy green Onesie that says 'Roarsome' on it.

"Izu are you okay?" He slowly shakes his head. "Do you know that blonde pomer... I mean boy?" He laughed a little when I almost said pomeranian but them his smile turned into tears.

"H-he was my best friend until a week before I w-went missing, I had just had my quirk checkup and the doctor said I was quirkless. When I told Kacchan he started being mean to me calling me Deku and saying I could never be half as good as him. The day they t-took me me, Kacchan and a few others were walking across a broken log as a bridge but Kacchan fell off and I wanted to make sure he wasn't hurt so I went down and asked if he was okay, in response he said that a weakling like me should never look down on someone so-so obviously superior like him and then he told me to go away and if he ever saw my face again he would make my life a living hell. After that I run all the way home with tears on my face only to discover dad was home! But he didn't look happy, no he looked drunk and mad. When I shut the door I could hear a bottle smashing right next to my head. Dad lifted me up by my hair and then tried to burn me but since he was drunk his quirk was out of control. After that I must have been knocked out from all of the smoke. Th-that was the last time I saw Kacchan and when I saw him in the parking lot I thought he may have changed but when he yelled, Deku... Hes not the Kacchan I knew anymore." A few tears escaped me. I was the first person he told about his past but what do I do with this information now?

POV - Cackling tea genius

As I get of the phone with Midnight I see she has sent me a few pictures. I click on the first one I see - which happens to he Midnights - and start analysing it after a few minutes I call in Power Loader and a young inventor called Mei Hatsume into my office. Once they arrive I explain the situation to them both, from Aizawa doing the raid and adopting Izuku to Midnight sending me these photos. I ask if they had any questions and Mei says "I understand that you want us to confirm you suspicion that these are in fact blue prints for a container of some sort, but why did you bring me here?" To say myself and Power loader were shocked would have been an understatement. I never mentioned my suspicion nor the fact I wanted them to analyse the pictures, for a second opinion, but she managed to take a quick glimpse and immediately tell what the blueprints were for. I will definitely have to nurture this mind of hers personally once she gets into UA.

"I brought you here because I believed you had potential and you have just proven it now by exceeding both of our expectations."

I could see her eyes sparkle slightly as she starts bowing and thanking me until power loader says, "How could you tell they were blueprints and what are they blueprints for exactly?"

A/N Hi thank you for reading part fifteen of my first story. I couldn't remember Nezu's nickname so I created that one, I hope it is okay. Also I know I said I was going to have Bakugo and Izu meet up in this chapter, indicating they would have a conversation but I thought it would be better if you learned a bit about Izu's past and also Nezus POV from after the call, since it will all link together soon. Thank you for reading Love you <3

Words used 1525

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