Chapter 16

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POV ~ Boom Boom Boi

Today, for some reason the old hag thought it would be a good idea to go shopping. Me being the insufferable pomeranian I am refused but noo she had to drag me to the car whilst screaming her head off saying,"Katsuki, this is the one time I have ever tried to do a mother son thing with you and you say no?! You are doing this and being a good or else I will ensure you have no good meals or proper training time!"

"What?! You are going to ruin my future career because I don't want to go shopping?!" This old hag, I can't believe she would try to ruin my life just because I didn't want to go shopping? What is she on?! AndwherecanIgetit?

"Yes! Yes that is exactly what I'm doing! Do you have a problem with that?!"

"Tch, let's just get this over with."

At the mall

As I was getting out of the car I could feel someone staring at me, I started to look around until I landed on a pair of sparkling emerald eyes and fluffy tufts of green hair, hes looks really cute. Wait, what?! Since when am I gay? My mum noticed me having some sort of flustered panic attack and when I pointed to the green haired boy she says, "Oh he looks like a cinnamon roll.... Wait he are you gay? I'm so proud you finally admit it in front of me."

"What, no that's not it! Right?"

"Oh Katsuki, its completely understandable, now that I think about it he kind of looks like...." who shes speaking to quietly.


"Your childhood friend, Izuku Midoriya." Deku? I hadn't heard his name in so long, I could feel tears pricking my eyes no,

"Damn it. I cant shed tears over that nerd. The nerd who always stood by me. The nerd who always cared for me. The nerd who was quirkless. The nerd I pushed away because of it. The nerd who died thinking I hated him."

"Oh Katsuki come here." The old, my mum said to me, did I say that out loud? I slowly walked over to her and cried as we hugged. "I know this must be hard on you, but he died. You know that's not him, right?"

"I don't care, if there is a chance that, that is De.. Izu I want to risk it." And with those words I got out of my mother's grip and ran inside the mall, "Deku!" Where is he I could swear he came inside. Out of the corner of my eye I saw green run into a clothes shop. It was him. He was crying. He hates me. My mum came up behind me and gave me another hug, slowly taking us into he shop Izu ran into. "He hates me, mum. It's Izu and he hates me!" I could feel tears streaming down my face and right now I didn't care. I had just seen my childhood friend. He was almost in my reach, but no because of my past and present actions must of scared him of and now he will never forgive me, I'm sure of it.

As my mum leads me into the boys section I could see a crying Izu hiding behind a green dinosaur onesie. He was telling a woman about the day he went missing. Why did I recognise her... Midnight! That's the pro hero Midnight, why was she with Izu? "Shh shh it will be okay."

"B-but Auntie Midnight, he-he hates me. He still hates me and th-theres nothing I can do about it." He thinks I hate him? He still wants to be friends with me?

"No." I could see him stiffen as Midnight got into a defensive position.

"Don't you think you've hurt Izu enough? This boy has been missing for most of his life. Your childhood friend, no less. Yet you still scream at him, call him useless. Why do you hate him so much? Why can't you see all this boy wants is his friend back?"

"I-I'm so sorry about Katsuki, we'll be on out way." She tried to move me but I refused to budge.

"No. What makes you think I hate you, De-Izuku? All my life I wanted to be just like you, your kindness, your courage," your cuteness, what. Well..."but when I found out you were quirkless I thought, I thought I could finally be on the same level as you! B-but I pushed you away because no matter how hard I tryed, you would always be better then me. I envied you and somehow that envy turned to hate. The day you died, I didn't know what to do, I didn't understand what was happening. You were everything to me yet you died when the last thing I did to you was push you away. I know you could never forgive me B-but just know." I bend over at an exact 90° angle, "I'm so sorry." To say everyone was surprised would be an understatement. I had never apologised to anyone, and I had treated Izu like dirt before now so it is understandable. I decide to open up my arms to see if Izu wanted a hug, I closed my eyes not wanting to see the reaction but five seconds later Izu jumps into my arms and wraps his legs around my waist, I am now a extremely flustered, crying mess.

"I missed you soo much Kacchan!" He missed me? He missed me! I feel I huge smile spreading across my face.

"I missed you to nerd!" Out of the corners of my eye, I see my mum crying and Midnight giving me a death stare while doing the 'I'm watching you' thing (A/N you know that thing where people put first and second fingers to their eyes and then point at you) I was officially the most, terrified, happy and flustered I had ever been.

We spent the rest of the day getting school supplys and catching up. It turns out Izu was kidnapped by villains and All Might and Dadzawa? Did a raid on them. Why the f*uck was I not invited! Whatever as long as Izu is safe now.

POV ~ 'I Dont Need Sleep, I Beed Blueprints!' 🛠

"How could you tell they were blueprints, and what are they blueprints for?" Wait could he not tell these were blueprints,

"Well the obvious pattern to the words shows that it is some kind of design and the fact that there is a few words surrounding it suggests notes on said item. Personally I beleive this to be a container for Midnights gas since it is completely sealed. This could be good for conducting experiments and it saves her ripping her clothes all the time. Ifthisismadethenwecouldhaveamajorsceurityupgradeincludinggasrelesewhenaseriousvillainattackisgoingonandwecouldbetterequiptheuniforms! Principle Nezu!" They were starting at me with a mix of confusion and awe on their faces again. "Sorry about that I was just thinking out loud. Anyway more to the point, do you think I could make this? Also is their a spare uniform anywhere? I have some ideas for new babys and I need the uniform to invest them."

Nezu let's out some sort of evil cackle which I can only mean one thing, "Yes, of course you can just make sure not to make the gas too poisonous and try to keep the explosions to minimum damage." Power loader looks at Nezu with a baffled look on his face and I cant tell if it's because I, a random student who doesn't go to UA was just granted permission to use the lab or that Nezu doesnt want me to have explosions.

"I-um you can get started whenever you want but you can't come during school hours." Yes power loader agreed!

"Thank you, you wont regret this!" With that I ran down the corridor and I didn't stop until I got to the development studio. Okay so first I need to...

A/N Hi thank you for reading the sixteenth part of my first story. Is there is anything you want to see in this story please let me know. I think this story will either finish on graduation or Mic and Aizaws wedding I'm not sure yet. Mei's new name was thought of by @WonderNeverlandDevil so credit to them! See you in the next chapter, love you all <3

Words used 1405

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