Chapter 26

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POV ~ Burned Chicken Nugget Boi

While Dadmight was out I decided to watch some TV, the first thing that came up was an advert for youtube and it was showing some recent videos about influencers, musicians, Izu, vloggers... Wait Izu was on YouTube? I quickly open my phone, go onto YouTube and search Izuku Midoria. I click on the first video I see and 'Izu' is leaning over a bleeding man who was begging for mercy, I quietly curse under my breath, "F*ck you Toga." I decide it is best to send the video to Dadmight and explain that, that is Toga before someone gives him the wrong idea.

50/50 buff man: 💪
Burned Chicken Nugget Boi: 🔥

🔥: Hey dad if you see the video on Izu being a villain dont worry it isnt him its Toga in disguise, do you mind spreading this to other pros so this false info can be taken down? Thanks.

💪: Okay I haven't seen the video yet but I will make sure to tell the others

🔥: Do you know if Izu is at Bakugos tonight?

💪: Yes, why?

🔥: Let's just say they can't see that video.

After I finish messaging Dadmight I call Mitsuki to see how Izu is doing, "Hello?"

"Hey there, it's me Dabi I'm Izu's big brother."

"Never call this number again, I want nothing to do with you villains." With that she hung up and I assume blocked me.

"Rude, okay top priority. It is almost certain the bakugos have seen that video now and by the way she spoke to me after mentioning Izu I think she fell for that ridiculous video. What to do, what to do? Dadmight!"

🔥: I dont think Izu is at the Bakugos anymore, any ideas?

💪: I've told Aizawa, Mic, Mirko and Hawks. Perhaps we could ask Nezu what he thinks of it?

🔥: Sounds good to me

POV ~ 50/50 Buff Man

As soon as Dabi confirms thay this is a good idea I create a group chat with Dabi (🔥), Nezu (🐭), Mirko (🐇), Hawks (🍗), Aizawa (💤) and Mic (🔊).

💪: Does anyone know where Izuku is? I know he is not at the Bakugo house becuase there has been this YouTube video going around and is of the villain Toga committing crimes dressed as Izu.

🐇: Who's Izu?

💤: An overpowed teenager who could easily beat all of us in a fight. Oh hes also mine and Mics adopted son so he is extremely important.

🐇: Gotcha 👍 so how we gonna fine him?

🍗: How about we scout the city?

🔊: We aren't all as fast as you Hawks, Mirko and All Might

🔥: Why dont we ask Nezu? His quirk literally makes him a genius.

💤: He isnt online right now so how do we get in touch with him?

🍗: How about we video call him, also who's 🔥?

💪: That's Dabi my adopted son

🍗: Oh, do I know them?

🔥: NO!!!

🍗: Okay... Anyway I'm gonna do the group call now

🍗: Is calling you

⚠️ Possible Trigger warning ⚠️

I answer the call and Hawks is clearly scouting the city. Aizawa is drinking coffee on his sofa in his sleeping back with an extremely bright screen on him and Mic is sat next to Aizawa. Mirko is outside somewhere but it is too dark to tell where. Dabi declined the call. Izuku is in chains on Nezus call... "Nezu what the f*ck are you doing?!" I screem down the line

"I am teaching this boy a lesson." He says in a sinister voice, Izu has tears in his eyes and an unreadable expression on his face.

"Unchain him right now!" Hawks and Mirko say at the same time.

"Well that's one option or I could pour alcohol onto his wounds..." I hear a bottle unswrewing and I study Izu carefully. His body is full of cuts and bruises along with dried blood. A clear liquid gets poured over the boy and he screams in pain.

"No! Why would you do this Nezu?!" I shout at the phone.

"What makes you think I'm Nezu?" The camera turns around revealing a blonde haired girl with a crazy look in her eye. "I've been wanting to try out this voice modifier for a while now and when I managed to trap Nezu, I thought this was the perfect opportunity!"

"How did you escape, Toga?!"

"Hmm, oh that was easy. The prisons were so cocky they thought the need for heroes was irrelevant so I took a chance and managed to succeed. Now then what should I do to him next?" Suddenly the window behind them smashed revealing a really p*ssed off Dabi who's flames were swirling around his body, unable to be controlled due to the intense emotions he was feeling.

"Un. Hand. My. Brother!" She easily dodged his first attack and when he was about to unleash the second wall of flames, what what I could hear, the door broke down and Hawks, Mirko, Aizawa and Mic were fighting the girl. No matter how many attackers she was faced with she dodged them easily.

"Hehehehe. ENOUGH!" A huge blast of wind forced all the pro heroes out of the window and plummeting into the streets below. How could I have been so stupid. Everyone on the call, even Dabi, went to save him but I did nothing at all other then sit on this stupid call. I rush over to UA and managed to catch a falling Mic along with Aizawa. Hawks feathers managed to support himself, Mirko and Dabi. I look up to the building where screems could still be heard. What does she want from Izu and is this just purely revenge?

A/N Thank you for reading the twenty sixth part of my first story. If you have any questions please do ask them I understand this may have been confusing. I will explain what happened to Izu and Nezu along with how Toga got to UA in the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed and I cant wait to see you in the comments. Love you <3

Words used 1037

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