Chapter 45

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Hello, so before we begin this chapter I was wondering if you think I should get rid of all my notes to make it seem more professional and book like. Okie now on with the 45th chapter!

POV ~ 🕊 Secretly Snow White 🐰
(I couldnt think of anything else for Koda 😅)

Me and Tokoyami sit around for a minute or so before Izuku finally wakes up. "My turn." Well that sounds... ominous?

Tokoyami bravely steps up and asks the question that wouldnt escape my mouth, "Midoriya, are you alright?" Were Midoriya's eyes always so empty? I must still be delusional from when he healed me.

"Yes, I'm..  Better then ever!" Something doesnt seem right...

"M-Midoriya?" I shyly ask.

"Yes? Your ... Koda right?" I nod my head in confusion. There is no way he forgot my name we have talked with each other on many occasions and he even came here to rescue me and Tokoyami.  Could this be the same thing that happened to Midoriya earlier?

"So what did I miss!" 'Midoriya' said.

"Not much, the villains are still surrounding us but I dont think they have discovered our exact location yet."  Tokoyami seems to think that that's the real Midoriya and I trust his judgement, but ... something doesnt feel right. "Also it appears you have gained a concussion so I beleive it would he best for you to rest whilst me and Koda keep the villains at bay."

"Alright." He gave up a shrugging motion and then put his hands up in defeat. "It was fun while it lasted."

"M-Midoriya? Are you... feeling okay?" I knew Tokoyami was onto something so I think it would be better if I just stayed quiet... like usual.

"The truth is, I am, obviously, not Midoriya so there is no way I'm 'bout to take orders from some weak, delusional, hopelessly stupid hero wannabes. So why dont you take your own advise and shut up while you at it!" After he was finished yelling at us he swiftly fell to the floor and mentioned something about how much they love messing with 1-A... so was they joking or should I be scared?

POV ~ Emo Birb  🐥

"I believe 'Midoriya' or whoever that was is unconscious, do you think it is light enough for dark shadow to come out." Kota nodded his head. I slowly allowed dark shadow to emerge, so he doesn't grow to large, and swiftly brief him on the situation.

"Sooo you just want me to keep the villains away whilst Midoriya wakes up? Okay!"

"Thank you, friend" Dark shadow quickly flew out the room we were in and meandered through the building so our whereabouts was not known. I could feel like he has already ran into the villains and has started to draw them away (I think that Tokoyami wouldn't be able to look through Dark Shadow's eyes or anything to do with that, however I do think they would have an emotional link at least and at most they have a telepathic link). 

"Is it safe yet?" Kota nervously asked.

"Almost just a short while longer then the villains will be far enough away for us to escape with Midoriya." Kota nodded at me to show he understood and we waited another minute before heading out, with Koda carrying Midoriya on his back, and escaping through a tear in the wall. Afterwards dark shadow returned to us and we ran to the entrance, avoiding villains at all costs, once we were there we briefed our classmates on what had happened and waited outside for Midoriya to wake up.

Okay so quick catch up
Kirishima and Bakugo are in the centre fighting (Aizawa is there to still), Koda, Tokoyami, Midoriya, Shinso, Sero and Mina are now safe outside, Todoroki and Hagakure are still in the landslide zone, Kaminari, Momo and Jiro are still in the Mountain zone, Tsu, Mineta, Ochaco, Sato and Shoji are at the entrance with 13, Ojiro and Aoyama are still in the Conflagration Zone and Iida is in UA after informing the teachers/ pro heroes who are on their way. I will try to tell you all what happens in each of the zones next chapter but most of what happens is canon with slight adjustments.

Hey, I'm back for a short amount of time, yea sorry about this chapter I could not be bothered with it and I lost motivation with it but the next chapter should be better. Um I don't think there will be any more updates soon but I'm not sure, as usual make sure to tell me if I have made any mistakes or you have any questions about anything you think I can help with. Also am I the only one who loves the head canon of Jiro plugging her earjacks into the wall to get tea on everyone? Anyway I hope you are all doing amazing, make sure to stay safe and I'll see you in my next update. Love you <3

Words used 841

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