Chapter 27

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POV ~ ???

As I picked up the call I call I aimed a the chained boy, "Nezu what the f*ck are you doing?!" Oh this will be fun.

"I am teaching this boy a lesson." Our conversation continues with me pouring liquids over him and All Might doing nothing to help. Pathetic I expected better from number 1.

After around a minute if us talking Dabi broke the window behind me, shame theres glass everywhere, although he is doing something to help so that means something but he took to long as Izuku could have been dead by now. This is crazy, even crazier then twice's D.I.D. (I think that's an abbreviation for when someone has a split personally I mentioned it earlier in chapter 4) they are suppost to be the best of the best, having places in the top ten in the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart or being a staff member of UA, disgraceful a low level ex villain managed to beat all of them here. "Un. Hand. My. Brother!" Finally, someone who possesses the true aspects of a hero, both selflessness and not to mention his outstanding speed and combat skills. As well as quirk control, for the most part, mental stability, being raised by number 1 - this list is potentially endless. I need him in UA. He decided to attack me with a wall of flames and a well executed sneak attack, if I hadn't known his fighting style then I wouldn't have been able to dodge, I'm so glad this is the option I choose.

Ten seconds later the pro heroes decided to join us. They used weak, predictable attacks on me which led to me finally getting annoyed, but since I had to stay in some sort of charater I let out a toga-like laugh first, "Hehehehe. ENOUGH!" I blast them all out of the window using the security protocols, why Power-Loader said it was a good idea to have a devise that let's out high pressure air, I will never understand. I look down to the falling heroes and All Might has finally joined in on the show, he was preparing to catch Mic and Aizawa, Hawks was carrying Mirko bridal style whilst he was giving Dabi a shoulder ride (where someone sits on your shoulders but Dabis legs are quite tense around Hawk's neck)  when they were all safely back onto the ground I went over to Izu, who now looked slightly guilty, and told him to let out some screams. He nodded his head saying it was fine and once I put my headphones on it started. Mei's 'baby' had worn out now so I am me again.

Approximately 15 minutes later they seem out of breath when they see Izu is free they look around for Toga until I say, "You all failed, miserably."

"This was a test the entire time?! Nezu?!"

"Indeed, I was expecting better since the one with the most points was the ex-villain Dabi so you all have an option to choose from, firstly take a break from your heroic duties while I train you to he the best, or you give me your liecences right now and not be able to take the test again. So what do you choose?"

A/N thank you for reading the twenty seventh part of my first story. I'm sorry this chapters so short, I didn't have the motivation to do it and I wanted to explain who the 'Toga' was, if you couldnt tell it was Nezu. Thank you so much for all of the views, votes and comments it means so much to me

If there is anything you want me to do if I get another milestone please let me know so I can start working on it now

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If there is anything you want me to do if I get another milestone please let me know so I can start working on it now. I hope to see you in the next chapter, love you <3

Words used 655 ~ aka my shortest chapter

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