Chapter 28

859 21 57

POV ~ 50/50 Buff Man

"Firstly take a break from your heroic duties while I train you to he the best, or you give me your licences right now and not be able to take the test again. So, what do you choose?" Is he being serious? We have to stop our hero duties for an indefinite period of time? Hawks and Mirko immediately walk over to Nezu and bow, "Well I'm getting your liecences one way or another so what's it going to be, give me them willingly like Hawks and Mirko or do we have to beat them out of you."

"Ha! Dont make me laugh. You really think you could take me on Nezu?" Our principal cant be serious only Izu and AFO have ever beat me so what makes him think that he can?

"Dabi, Hawks, Mirko would you be true heroes and get there licences whilst Izuku is cleaning himself up? Last chance~" When did Nezu start taunting us? Still theres no way they could get it off me and my son wouldn't dare, right?

5 minutes later

Wrong! So, so wrong. As soon as Nezu gave his final warning two licences appeared in his hand after being delivered by a white cloth. Aizawa, Mic, Mirko, Hawks and Nezu have all been fighting me but I was still winning, my buff form was starting to run out and Izu was almost finished. Run. The easiest way out is to run. So I power up the last of my OFA and head straight to my hero agency. "Nighteye! Round up all the heroes and protect this building, no one in or out no matter who they are. Am I clear?"

"Yes! But may I ask why?"

"I will tell you shortly just do what I asked and fast."

He came back seconds later and said that the heroes were positioning themselves in and around the building. "May I ask why we are doing this?"

"They are trying to steal my Hero License."


"Nezu, Aizawa, Mirko, Mic, Izuku, Touya and Hawks."

"What did you do?!"

"I was the distracting in a rescue mission." Okay I know this is  a complete lie but if Nighteye looses faith in me then they will have my licence for sure.

"I trust you are lying to me for a good reason but I expect the real truth later."

Should've known this was going to happen "Don't worry I will give you the full details later on, for now let's put my licence in  a safe postion-" A large gust of wind flys between me and Nighteye.

"Aww c'mon All Might, why are you so against getting some more training?" Hawks? When did he get here?

"P-please dont make u-us fight y-you." Izu too, how didn't I notice either of them?

" *sigh* Okay, but only because I dont want Izuku to beat me up again." I hand them my licence and begin to head outside until.

"That's Izu? That's the person who managed to beat you in a fight?! Hes so frail and small, not to mention he's a f*cking child, his eyes look so sleepy and depressed how does he even focus and that freakishly long green hair must get in his way all the time. Now I get why the villains trapped you, I now understand why it took 14 years for the heroes to come and rescue your worthless self. You're far too powerful for this world now you have those quirks. You should be dead or at the very least incapacitated, any other person dies or goes insane becuase of multiple quirks but you have some sort of difference to us making you able to handle multiple? Now I understand why they are chasing you All Might. You think you're better then him, better then us all! You know what you should stay away from this Agency and-!"

"Nighteye! That's enough, Never! And I mean Never! Talk to Izu in that way again! Do I make myself clear?!" How dare he humiliate Izu confront of us all, he is suppost to be one of the best heroes.

I could see tears forming in both Izu's and Hawk's eyes, "Let's go Izu, I hope you are both proud of yourselves. And you Nighteye, making a boy who has been abused his entire life feel even worse about himself, some hero you are..." With that Hawks flew Izu out of there leaving me and Nighteye in complete shock and disgrace.

A/N Hi thank you for reading the twenty eighth part of my first story. I am once again sorry for this really small chapter I just didn't have the motivation again but didn't want to leave you on that 'cliff hanger' for to long. Please let me know if there is anything you would like to see in this. Also would you prefer:

Continuing with the heros training

Or doing a time skip to when the UA school year starts

I hope to see you all in the comments. Love you <3

Words used 847

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