Chapter 5

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A/N If there are any people out there who noticed my mistake then please read this if you don't care then you can skip to "POV ~ Caterpillar God". Okay so my mistake is that I said that Kurogiri is on Aizawa's hit list two chapters ago but then in the last chapter I said that Kurogiri was on All Might's list so just to clarify the new lists are

 All might's : Kurogiri, Dabi, Shiggy, Moonfish Toga and Twice 

Aizawa's : Mr Compress, Mustard, Muscular, Spinner and Magne. I hope that clears it up for you <3

POV ~ Caterpillar God

As All Might Detroit smashes the wall, I could see Kurogiri laying unconscious underneath some of the rubble. Perfect, I knew someone would come to check as soon as they heard a noise outside but why did it have to be Kurogiri, now All Might is one ahead of me. Never mind that I can't dwell on his actions,instead I go in search of of one of my targets. The first person I come across is mustard who seems to be talking to Mr Compress about lessons. I swiftly walkover to Mr Compress, erase his quirk and knock him out while restraining mustard, with my scarf, along with cancelling his quirk. These two are no problem what so ever. Why did All Might put them on the priority list? Possibly because they rely on their quirks and if Mustard had his mask on the he could've easily knocked me out before I erased his quirk I then walk over to the adolescent boy, knock him out and restrain them both with quirk cancelling hand cuffs. I know that Mic, Tsukauchi and All might will bite my ear off if I don't tie his legs up as well so I quickly do that and run down the hall into the next room. Inside I can see Magne, the room looks like some sorta kitchen. I could see her turning around and as soon as she saw me she said, "Oh what do you want I'm getting a snack that's not illegal, is it?"

"No that isn't but armed robbery, murder and attempted murder is. Oh and also your in a group called the league of Villains. So the only snack your getting is some cold porridge in a prison cell." I could see the look of fear flash across her face before a sneer replaced it. 

"Come on then, Erasure Head I guess this is the part here we fight. Or are you to scared? Ugh I've been spending to much time with Mr Compress." 

"*Sigh* Ya know it's sad that you think you could beat me."I say completely ignoring the last part  she stood there for a second processing what i just said, and in that moment of hesitation I wrapped my capture weapon around Magne forcing her to drop the box of strawberry Pocky sticks that she was about to eat. I walk over to her and knocked her out picking up her snack in the progress. I almost feel bad for her, ah well. Once again I tie her up with quirk cancelling cuffs around her hands and rope around her legs. I wonder if they allow Pocky in prison. I quickly put the box into one my pockets and went in search of another league member. That is until Muscular came up behind me and punched me right in between my shoulder blades. Well that hurt but never show weakness to an enemy. I try to erase his quirk but most of his body is covered in muscle,I just need one opening. Just one. As he was about to throw another punch I run up behind him and hide out of his line of sight. You can't hit what you can't see, am I right or am I. Wrong, oh at this point I had never been so wrong. All of a sudden I could feel his fist connect to my left arm (the arm I use to throw my scarf) which broke on impact. I couldn't help but let a scream of pain escape me, but in the moment he was pulling his arm back I could see a piece of his skin through the lair of muscle that was getting thinner by the second I managed to active my quirk and all of the muscle around him melted back into his skin. Whilst he was confused I took yet another advantage and somehow managed to knock him out. I tied him up and cuffed him then continued my search. Though the objects in the next room along is something that made want to puke whilst scaring me stiff

This room. Would have been Izuku's. It had a torture bed in the middle with clean surgery tools on a metal table next to it. In the corner of the room was a bookshelf with knolage inside the books that even I didn't know. How smart is this child? Is this really what his room was like or is this someone else's? Before I could get anymore questions in my head I could sense someone behind me, it was Dabi he was running so fast I could barely see him but I knew it was him. I could tell from the smoke trail he left behind and those piercing eyes that always remind me of Endeavou's. Once again my brain began to swamp itself with questions each one I couldn't answer. Who is Dabi really? Why does he and Endeavour share the same eyes? Is this his dead son Touya? No, that's impossible Touya is dead. Burned to a crisp from his father's brutal training. Why Enji why would you do that to your own son

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard someone moving a whole lot is swords around. Spinner. I quickly get into a fighting stance and brave for the impact of the sword. It never came. I looked up only to see spinner running away... Wait he's running!!?? If I was All Might then that's understandable but I'm the underground hero Erasure Head. This makes no sense at all. I start following him only to see he managed to corner himself? What's wrong with him? I slowly walk over to him and see he has broken into a cold sweat before he passes out in front of me. Well that was far to easy. I tue him up just incase he was faking it as I hear sirens outside. Finally Tsukauchi took ya long enough.

A/N Hi this is the fifth part of my first story. Thank you for reading this chapter. I'm sorry for all the grammar and spelling mistakes I wrote this late and rushed it. Anyway, what books would you like me to do in the future and which is your favourite ship? Please don't hesitate to comment I always love reading them I hope to see you all in the next chapter love you all <3

(Words used 1176)

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